This week marks my 20 year anniversary of being called to the Bar. Pretty neat. I’ve been practicing as a personal injury lawyer for pretty much all of that time. I’ve learned a lot over the past 2 decades. If I could go back in time and share some pearls of knowledge with my much younger, and more handsome self, here’s what I would have to say:
- Everyone’s path is different. In law school, you’re made to think there’s a cookie cutter approach as to what happens after your graduate from law school. Graduate from law school. Then get an articling job in the City of your choice, at the firm of your choice, in the area of law of your choice. Work at that law firm for a few years, climb their hierarchical ladder, get made partner, and let the good times roll. It’s all made to seem, and to sound, very linear. That’s how it can work for some. But for most lawyers, that’s not how the journey works at all. The practice of the law; just like life; is full of twists, turns, ups and downs. Not everything is going to go according to some grand plan which was conjured up in law school. Just because your colleagues are doing things one way, doesn’t mean that way is right for you. And it certainly doesn’t mean that’s how things are going to pan out for you either. Think of it as you would a diverse vegetable garden. Each plant in your vegetable garden is different; and will have different needs to produce. Some require more water, some require less direct sun. Others are finicky when it comes to soil Ph levels. The path to growth, and what is required for that growth to occur might be similar, but it’s not the same for each plant. The same variances applies to new calls and lawyers of all stripes. Everyone’s growth and path will be different. That doesn’t means that one path is better than the other. You have to do what’s right for you.