If you’ve been hurt or injured in a car accident, you are entitled to accident benefits from your own car insurer. These accident benefits are NOT damages for pain and suffering; nor are they compensation intended to make you whole for your attendant care, income loss, housekeeping claim, or loss…
Articles Posted in Accident Benefits
Things you need to know about Attendant Care Benefits after a car accident in Ontario
Attendant care benefits. What are they? How do they work? How do I get compensated? For how much and for how long? These are all important and common questions after a serious car accident in Ontario. The law surrounding attendant care benefits has changed significantly since they were conceived under…
Insurance companies have greater rights than individuals in personal injury cases (Ontario)
Car accident cases in Ontario should be simple. The premise of one car, hitting another car by mistake or negligence; and thereby causing damages/injuries to another party ought to be basic tort law. Unfortunately in Ontario, this couldn’t be further from the truth. The Ontario Government, at the behest of…
What to do after you’ve been involved in a car accident (Ontario)
Our personal injury lawyers constantly field questions from prospective clients regarding the basic steps of what to do after they’ve been involved in a car accident in Ontario. We must admit, the laws surrounding car accidents in Ontario are confusing. They certainly aren’t straight forward by any means. It comes…
Completing that complicated OCF-3 Disability Certificate (2017 Edition)
Our law firm has written many articles on how to complete the OCF-3 Disability Certificate in previous editions of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. Your can read these previous articles here, here, or here. Don’t get me wrong. Those articles are great and contain valuable information for accident victims, their loved…
How one bad therapist can ruin your personal injury case (Ontario)
Not many people know this, but my family used to own a farm in Brockville, ON. Brockville is east of Kingston, near the Ontario/Quebec border. My grandparents owned a large farm with hundreds of cows, some chickens and large vegetable garden. I still have memories of the farm. On occasion,…
What ever happened to timely and fair accident benefits in Ontario?
Sometimes, our personal injury lawyers think that car accident law has been purposely designed just to trip people up. How else can you explain: a) $36,920 deductible for a pain and suffering award in a car accident claim b) $73,840 deductible for a pain and suffering award if involved in…
Insurance Adjusters: Why there seem to be so many after a car accident (Ontario)
If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Ontario, and you’ve been injured, you will need to report the collision/accident to a car insurer. Despite what you may believe, large car insurance companies aren’t run by computers. They have real live people who work there! Many work very hard…
G-d help you if you get injured in a car accident (Ontario)
Yesterday our law firm participated in a private global mediation in Hamilton. As an aside, if it weren’t for lawyers, this downtown Hamilton office tower would not exist. It seemed like every floor housed a law firm. One of the few floors which didn’t house a law firm was a…
Car Accident in Ontario? You have two cases! Tort & Accident Benefit Claims examined
You know what’s confusing? Car accident claims. Even for personal injury lawyers who concentrate their practices exclusively on car accident claims; these claims can be confusing! A recent report commissioned by the Government of Ontario (The Marshall Report: Fair Benefits, Fairly Delivered) affirms this opinion. Car accident claims; specifically accident…