Certain fact patterns in cases are so unbelievable, that even the most experienced and seasoned personal injury lawyer can’t make them up. Just when you thought you’d seen it all… It’s common for insurers in Ontario (and all across Canada for that matter), to retain private investigators to conduct surveillance…
Articles Posted in Car Accident
More tips on completing the OCF-18 Treatment Plan after a car accident in Ontario
One of the most commonly asked questions of our personal injury lawyers is how innocent car accident victims can get the insurance company to pay for their medical/rehab treatment following a car accident. This involves the proposed service provider completing the OCF-18 Treatment Plan Form.The Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog has…
Keeping it safe this Simcoe Day August Long Weekend in Ontario
Three words that can get any Ontarian excited are “August Long Weekend“! Our personal injury law firm has seen a pattern over the past 8 years of a spike in new client calls after the long weekend in the following areas: Drunk Driving & Drunk Boating cases Fatality Claims (they…
How the LAT is killing access to justice for accident benefit claims in Ontario
For anyone who practices in the field of accident benefit law (dare I now call it litigation), what we all need is more paper work, more records, and more forms to be completed by insureds, and insurers alike. What is already a complicated and confusing system has been rendered even…
Mediating a personal injury case: What to expect if you’re the injured party (Ontario)
Mediation is a popular tool used by lawyers to settle personal injury cases in Ontario. In some jurisdictions (Toronto, Windsor and Ottawa) mediating a personal injury case is mandatory before it can proceed to trial. The Insurance Act also contains provisions requiring mediation for an accident benefit dispute in Ontario.…
How to prepare for your free consultation with a personal injury lawyer (Ontario)
Personal Injury lawyers across North America widely advertise that they provide “free consultations“. It’s a widely accepted industry standard. I don’t know any reputable personal injury law firms who don’t provide a free consultation, or free consultations thereafter. You may be hard pressed to find another area of the law…
License Appeal Tribunal? Safety Licensing Appeals and Standards Tribunal Ontario? Automobile Accident Benefit Service? I’m confused!
When I first began practicing personal injury law, I quickly noticed how COMPLICATED Ontario’s regime of car accident law was. This was completely unnecessary. Our government has made things so complicated, that lawyers need to focus on in car accident law in order to get results. Car accident law should…
An Open Letter to Ontario Drivers Re: LAT vs. FSCO
Dear Ontario Drivers: I am writing to update you on recent legislative changes that affect your car accident claim; in particular your Accident Benefits claims with your own insurer. There are two sides to any car accident lawsuit; the Accident Benefits file with your own auto insurer, and the main…
How those tiny cameras have changed the way personal injury cases are litigated in Ontario
This morning, I saw some of the most gruesome video tape of an assault I have ever seen in my years as a personal injury lawyer. The video depicted a horrific assault of one man, pummelling a defenceless man who had been knocked unconscious from a series of punches to…
Exciting news from Goldfinger Personal Injury Law’s attendance at the Canadian International Auto Show
This will be a fun edition of the Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer Blog. First, we would like to congratulate our founder and directing lawyer, Brian Goldfinger, on his recent naming to the Legal Elite for 2016 by London Business Magazine. The Legal Elite recognizes the brightest and best legal minds…