
Articles Posted in Car Accident


Can my kid sue me for my failure to supervise them: Minor’s Rights in a Personal Injury Case

Yes. End of post…. Alright, you want some more legal info. Well here ya go. Around Halloween, I get the odd call from parents telling me that their children were out trick or treating with them, and got a bit too much sugar in their system; and didn’t look both…


Completing your OCF-3 Disability Certificate following your car accident: A Guide to an important FSCO Form

Want to learn about the importance of completing an OCF-3 Disability Certificate after your Toronto car accident? Read on. The OCF-3 Disability Certificate is a form created by the Financial Services Commission of Ontario. Why they created this, along with other silly forms is still a mystery to me, along…


Building Claims for Family Members in Toronto Car Accident Cases: A Toronto Injury Lawyer’s Perspective

A traumatic Toronto Car Accident not only has a profound impact on the injured party. It also has a big impact on the family of the injured party and their loved ones. I’ve seen this time and time again as a personal injury lawyer. The way that car accident law…


How drunk driving accidents cause irreparable harm

I’m sad to report that Goldfinger Injury Lawyers has a file cabinet full of drunk driver cases. That means that despite all of the public service announcements, press releases, and sad stories you see on the 6 o’clock news, people still aren’t getting the message. Drinking and driving kills. Drunk…


Life after a car accident: Tips on getting paid when you’re not getting paid!

People always ask me: Brian; I’ve been hurt in a car accident and now I can’t work. How am I going to pay my bills? How am I going to get by? Great questions. Completely legitimate concerns. We here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers recognize that if you’re name isn’t Sheikh…


Ontario Judge Rules it’s OK to briefly hold your cellphone while driving

Ontario Motorists will want to read this case. Provincial Court Justice Shaun Nakatsuru ruled that it was alright for a motorist to briefly hold their cell phone while driving. The facts of the case are interesting for anyone to read (lawyer or not). Disclaimer Alert! This article is not intended…


First Court Decision on definition of “incurred expense” for Attendant Care Benefits Released

The SABS were changed effective September 1, 2010, requiring that in order to recieve Attendant Care Benefits, and injured party must show that the care giver has sustained an economic loss, and that the expense has in fact been an “incurred expense“. That effectively means that if the care provider…

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