Nobody wants to be in an accident. Nobody wants to slip and fall and get injured. But if you are going to slip and fall, and get injured; believe it or not, there are some better places to slip and fall vs. some worse places to slip and fall. And…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Personal Responsibility in a Personal Injury Case
Finding a personal injury lawyer who is knowledgeable, kind, sympathetic, and who will fight hard for you is important. A good personal injury lawyer will listen, and give you advice to hopefully put you in a better position to move forward. But, a personal injury lawyer doesn’t live with you.…
New Disability Bill May Have Unintended Consequences which will benefit Insurance Companies
This is an example of how governments with the best intentions can still screw things up. It’s quite noble for the federal government to want to help people with disabilities make ends meet. Get people with disabilities more money in their pockets so that they can pay their bills, live…
The WSIB Trap in Personal Injury Cases
People get really confused about what to do when they sustain an injury in the workplace. The first reaction for a person who gets injured while on the job is that they want to sue their employer, and everyone else under the sun for what happened to them. This is…
Controversial calls in the Superbowl and Personal Injury Cases
Last night, like millions of others, I sat down to watch the Superbowl with my family. We had our traditional Superbowl Party, with all the fun food, snacks and beverages you might expect. We were all excited for the game, for the commercials and of course; for Rhianna’s return to…
Springtime in February?!? Is early February the new Patio Season? Enjoy Responsibly.
February is traditionally a bitter cold month in Ontario. When I say bitter cold, I mean bitter cold. It’s on record as the second coldest month of the year, trailing only January by around a degree or so. February is dark, windy, cold, icy and snowy. It’s known to be…
Slip and Fall Cases in Ontario
It’s rather chilly in Ontario, with temperatures getting around the negative double digits. When it gets this cold, ice forms and hardens significantly, making for difficult walking conditions on both public sidewalks, and private driveways and walkways. Despite the poor walking conditions, there are still some daredevils out there who…
Parking Enforcement Fail at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers
The home office of Goldfinger Injury Lawyers is in North York, near the busy Yonge and Sheppard intersection; a short distance from the 401, with TTC subway access to both the Yonge Line and to the Sheppard Line. It’s a busy area with lots of shops, restaurants, condos, traffic and…
Driving in the 1960’s vs. Driving Today: A Study in Distracted Driving
Distracted driving kills, just like drunk driving kills. Driving requires concentration and focus. Today’s cars and our mobile technology try to shift our driving focus away from the road, and on to some type of screen. Lots of beeps, lights and vibrations to get us looking anywhere but on the…
Personal Injury Cases: Why does Insurance Matter?
People get injured in all sort of ways. Right now, as you are reading this instalment of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog; you probably aren’t thinking that something bad is going to happen to you or a loved one. That’s normal. And that’s why when these sort of terrible or…