
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Brian Goldfinger’s Top 5 list of where slip and fall accidents happen

My law firm Goldfinger Injury Lawyers has successfully handled countless slip and fall cases. We have recovered our clients millions of dollars getting them the compensation which they deserve after they’ve been seriously injured as a result of a slip and fall caused by the negligence of a property owner.…


Brian Goldfinger and the Case of the Wicked Long Term Disability Release

More often than would think, insurance companies seek to add terms to a Full and Final Release which they would not otherwise be able to get in Court. A Full and Final Release is a legal document which gets signed when a case gets settled outside of Court. This is…


What happens around the Holidays at Personal Injury Law Firms?

Here comes Santa Claus; here come Santa Claus; right down Santa Claus Lane… Jingle Bells; jingle bells; jingle all the way… All I want for Christmas, is you! These are the songs which are ingrained in your heads around this time of year; whether you celebrate Christmas or not. These…


Brian Goldfinger’s 1st appearance on The Capital PTBO Podcast

I’ve done some radio in the past. I’ve done some television spots as well. But what I’ve enjoyed the most are podcast appearances. Don’t get me wrong. Radio and television are a lot of fun. They’ve both excellent mediums to educate and give updates on my chosen field; the practice…


Behind the Scenes of a Winter Slip and Fall Case

Winter time means slip and fall accidents on account of snow, ice, sleet a slush. These slip and fall cases can cause serious injuries to innocent visitors to public (or private) spaces. Think of a parking lot at a school, university, grocery store, or a shopping mall that isn’t properly…


Winter Means that it’s Slip and Fall Season: Be Careful

Cold weather! Snow! Ice! Yikes! Winter means that you are either really excited because you happen to be a winter sports enthusiast (most people who love the winter also ski, snowshoe, play hockey and can’t get enough of the cold weather) or you are dreading what’s yet to come. Whether…


Ask Personal Injury Lawyer Brian Goldfinger Anything: Mailbag Edition

We get a lot of questions and queries to the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. Some serious. Some not so serious. In today’s edition of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog; Brian Goldfinger himself will answer those questions. Some serious answers. Others not so serious. So sit back, grab a nice hot…


Beware the Fine Print in your Personal Injury Case

Sometimes lawyers are upfront and direct. Other times, they can be sneaky. It’s those sneaky lawyers that you need to watch out for. In all of my years of practice, I’ve seen some sneaky stuff. Lawyers and insurers trying to add terms to agreements which weren’t previously discussed, or negotiated.…

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