
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Beware the Fine Print in your Personal Injury Case

Sometimes lawyers are upfront and direct. Other times, they can be sneaky. It’s those sneaky lawyers that you need to watch out for. In all of my years of practice, I’ve seen some sneaky stuff. Lawyers and insurers trying to add terms to agreements which weren’t previously discussed, or negotiated.…


Why hasn’t my personal injury case settled yet?

As a personal injury lawyer, I would love to snap my “Goldfinger” and make all of my client’s dreams come true! I would snap my “Goldfinger” and my client’s cases would settle for billions and trillions and gazillions of dollars! I would snap my “Goldfinger” and my client’s cases would…


Getting your Long Term Disability Claim for Chronic Pain, Fibromyalgia and Depression Approved

Chronic pain, fibromyalgia and depression are invisible. That means that they don’t show up on any x-ray, CT Scan, MRI or other diagnostic test. It also means that nobody would know that you are suffering from chronic pain, fibromyalgia or depression simply by just looking at you. It also means…


Brian Goldfinger on Civil Justice Reform

Earlier this week Chief Justice Morawetz gave his address at the traditional “Opening of the Courts” for Ontario.  Calling it the “Opening of the Courts” is likely very confusing for the general public. To be clear, the Courts were not “closed” before that time. But every year around this time…


When Occupational Therapists and Insurance Companies Try to Fool You

Insurance companies along with their third party contractor occupational therapists and rehabilitation companies seek to take advantage of innocent accident victims when they are at their most vulnerable. Immediately following a serious accident. Innocent accident victims are shook following a serious car accident. Their world has been turned upside-down. They…


Brian Goldfinger and the Case of the Catastrophic Car Accident

Car accidents happen. They are unpredictable and don’t discriminate based on age, gender, religion and socio-economic status. They happen to poor people, rich people, middle class people, retired people, disabled people and gainfully employed people. There isn’t any method to the selection of an accident victim. It’s completely random. Serious…


Brian Goldfinger and the Case of the Bad Slip and Fall Accident

It doesn’t matter the season, the weather, the time of day, or the conditions. Slip and falls happen. Sometimes there are no injuries. Sometimes there can be very serious, even catastrophic injuries. When a bad slip and fall does happen, people often seek out the services of a personal injury…


Brian Goldfinger and the Case of Going Back to School

I suppose the title of this edition of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post is slightly misleading. It may suggest that I, Brian Goldfinger, am going back to school. While this sounds like a great and enlightening idea, I am not going back to school. Rather, this Toronto Injury Lawyer…

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