If you asked personal injury lawyer what are some of the most common issues they face with car accident cases in Ontario; without a doubt the issue of the threshold and the deductible will be very high on their lists. Likely the number 1 issue which personal injury lawyers face…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Litigating Slip and Fall Cases in Ontario
BRR! It’s cold in out here There must be a slip and fall In the atmosphere BRR! It’s cold out here There must be some slippy ice In the atmosphere Snow and Ice? Bring it on! Snow and ice isn’t going to stop you from living your life. But, it…
Pedestrian Fatality Cases & Vision Zero Plan: What happened?
The CBC Reported last month that nearly 58 pedestrians died as a result of car accidents on Toronto’s streets last year; with another 183 more reported as being seriously injured. This is an alarming statistic given that 2021 was a year that saw rolling lockdowns due to the COVID-19 Pandemic…
Virtual Personal Injury Litigation has Changed the Game
Marshall McCluhan coined the term “the medium is the message“. This means in plain terms, without introducing a PHD thesis on the issue, that chosen method of communication to broadcast a message has a significant impact on how the message is received and understood. It’s almost to say that the…
The $41,503.50 Secret Credit Insurance Companies Don’t Want You to Know About
This edition of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog is coming out a bit early because I have the time to write now before I have to start homeschooling my children given the recent announced lockdown measures in Ontario. It’s rather difficult being a lawyer and educator for your young children…
Mistakes Plaintiffs Make in Personal Injury & Long Term Disability Cases
Not every case is perfect. That’s the reality of the law. Each case has its strengths, and weaknesses. Each case has its own unique set of warts so to say. Some of these weaknesses can be avoided. Some of these warts can be treated. As personal injury lawyers, we see…
Netflix Series Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich and Sexual Assault Claims in Ontario; what we can learn
Recently I watched the Netflix Docuseries Jeffrey Epstein: Filthy Rich. It was a disturbing watch which made me feel a lot of emotions. Anger, shock, sadness, grief, rage, and some more anger to name a few emotions. It was an interesting watch which I highly recommend it. I certainly understand…
What to do after a car accident in Ontario?
It’s amazing to me how many people don’t know what to do after they’ve been involved in a car accident in Ontario. Before you call a personal injury lawyer and we get into all the legal mumbo jumbo; there are a few basic and common sense steps which you will…
Downtown can be difficult for personal injury clients
When most people think about lawyers, they think about fancy offices, fancy suits, and very expensive hourly rates. It can all be very intimidating. When I first started practicing law, I worked in the downtown Toronto core on Bay Street. Bay Street is synonymous with big banks, big finance and…
Bad Facts Make for Bad Law: WSIB vs. Accident Benefits
Recently I read a very troubling decision from the License Appeals Tribunal (Travis v. Aviva Insurance Company, 2021 CanLii 120883 ON LAT) This case is about a first responder firefighter, who heroically responded to the North York Van Attack which took place on April 23, 2018. You may recall that…