Good timing can mean the difference between a winning personal injury case, and a losing personal injury case. In fact; timing can also spell the difference between being involved in a serious accident; and missing a serious accident. Accident victims aren’t looking to get into accidents in the first place.…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Serious Accident? Insurance matters!
In tort law, one of the first and most important things lawyers are taught is to sue a Defendant with deep pockets and an ability to pay out a Judgment. The only remedy in a personal injury case is money. There is no ticker tape parade for the victor of…
Back to School Safety Tips from Personal Injury Lawyer Brian Goldfinger
We aren’t tone deaf at the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. Back to School is around the corner. But Back to School 2021 in the midst of a looming 4th wave during the Global Pandemic brings a new unprecedented set of worries and anxieties for parents, teachers and students. The large…
A lesson in suppressing the Will of the Jury & leaving them in the dark for car accident cases
Car accident insurers love jury trials. How do I know this? Because in 99% of the car accident cases I have seen, Jury Notices are filed by the Defendant Insurer. If car insurers didn’t LOVE juries, they wouldn’t file jury notices so often. What explains the car insurance industry’s affection…
Denials, Disability and Delay. Where to start your Long Term Disability Case
On August 10, 2021 the Honourable Justice Grace ordered that “all civil jury trials scheduled to commence in London, Ontario during September, October, November and December 2021 and all civil jury trials scheduled to commence in London, Ontario during September and October 2021” are adjourned. There will be a special…
Long Term Disability Claims and Unions
Most unionized employees have benefits through their employer. Those benefits have been negotiated by their unions as a perk of employment. They help make life inside and outside of the workplace that much better and add a layer of security and value to one’s employment. But if you asked a…
Duty to Disclose when applying for Life, Long Term or Critical Illness Insurance
Our law firm receives a lot of calls from people who have been denied Life Insurance, Long Term Disability Insurance, Mortgage Insurance and Critical Illness claims. Some of these policies are group policies which are offered through an employer. Sometimes these are private policies which are purchased from an insurance…
Why is my Long Term Disability Insurer insisting that I apply for CPP Disability Benefits?
Lots on people who are applying for Long Term Disability insurance benefits; or who are receiving Long Term Disability benefits want to know why their insurance company is asking (or demanding) that you apply for Canada Pension Plan Disability Benefits (CPP-D). What does one set of benefits have to do…
Police Prejudice against Cyclists, Bikers, Youth & Skateboarders in Personal Injury Cases
A bad police report and a poor police investigation can be very harmful to an injured Plaintiff in personal injury cases. In order for a Plaintiff’s personal injury case to succeed, the Plaintiff must establish that the Defendant was negligent (at fault) for the accident in question. No fault against…
Accident Benefit Disputes in Ontario and Life at the LAT
When you’ve been wronged and want to seek justice; you sue. It’s sounds simple and it ought to be. Trouble is, when it comes to accident benefit disputes following a car accident in Ontario, you can’t sue anymore. Your right to sue in Court and have your case heard before…