
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Tone Deaf Courts Not Helping Curb COVID

Lawyers are held to a higher standard. We are. Because the profession demands it. The general public demands it. Our Rules of Professional Conduct command it. So, when the COVID-19 Pandemic hit, the legal profession adapted. A general acceptance of Zoom for Trials, Pre-Trials, Examinations for Discovery, Mediation, Hearings etc. Acceptance…


Unreported decision (thus far) about getting a lawyer off the record on account of a conflict

Congrats to Goldfinger Injury Lawyer’s very own Afsoun Amirsolaimani on winning a contested motion seeking the removal of a lawyer for the Ontario Motor Vehicle Accident Claims Fund for acting in a conflict of interest. The decision is below and has yet to be reported, but we share it with…


What a Judge CAN and CANNOT Order in a Long Term Disability Case

Long Term Disability cases are based in contract. Damages are awarded to the disabled plaintiff based on what is available to the disabled plaintiff under the contract. Damages for the most part are limited to what’s covered under the four corners of the insurance policy. Only in rare cases will…

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