Long Term Disability claims aren’t simple. I wish they were, but they just aren’t. The amount of money you are entitled to is based entirely on your age, income, the set offs you are receiving or have received in the past, and what your long term disability policy says about…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Trust your family doctor; not the doctor paid by your insurance company
I think it’s fair to say that North American society has become more skeptical over the years. We are more skeptical of government. More skeptical of science. More skeptical of our leaders. More skeptical of large businesses. More skeptical in general. Or perhaps, a more accurate comment is that social…
Accident Benefits: If you don’t use ’em; you’ll lose ’em!
After you’ve been seriously injured, or even not so seriously injured in a car accident, or motorcycle accident in Ontario, the injured party; regardless of fault is entitle to accident benefits. This is what Ontario’s “no fault” scheme of accident benefits is all about. If you are not at fault…
The pros & cons of protected treatment account for a personal injury client
The cost of Physiotherapy is NOT covered by OHIP. That means that if you need physiotherapy, someone needs to pay for it. The cost of chiropractic treatment is NOT covered by OHIP. That means that if you need chiropractic treatment, someone needs to pay for it. The cost of out of…
What will Ontario Courts look like Post COVID for personal injury cases?
Personal Injury claimants seeking monetary compensation for their injuries and damages (think car accidents, slip and falls, dog bites, motorcycle accidents, bike accidents, long term disability cases) commence their civil claims in the Ontario Superior Court of Justice. This is not to be confused with a Criminal proceeding or Highway…
New Dog During the Pandemic = New Liability. Goldfinger on Dog Bite Claims
My first case reported in the media was a dog bite claim. It involved a woman who has been diagnosed with PTSD. She had an emotional support dog to help her cope. One day on a walk outside of her the common area of her apartment complex; two unleashed pit…
Politicians get away with their lies; but you can’t in a personal injury case
We like keeping our posts in tune with current events here at the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. We do our best to relate topics in personal injury law to current events as best we can. Sometimes global or local news themes dovetail nicely with personal injury law and how Courts…
OCF-19 Catastrophic
OCF-19 Catastrophic Claims There are special legal connotations when injuries from a car accident are deemed to be “catastrophic“. This is a term of art; meaning the term “catastrophic” has a special legal meaning. Catastrophic is defined under the insurance act as an injury which meets one of the following…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post #491: Slip & Fall? Know where you fell.
Slip and falls can happen anywhere, at anytime. Unlike a car accident case, the police don’t come to the scene of a slip and fall to record what happened; or to ticket the at fault party. That’s very important because in a car accident case, the information regarding liability (the…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post #490: Subjective Opinion vs. Objective Evidence in Personal Injury Claims
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion. These opinions differ from person to person….and that’s ok. Opinions can be based on a lot of different things: fact, belief, values, upbringing, history, education, training, experience, a gut feeling; or based on absolutely nothing at all! You don’t need evidence to craft…