
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Buying Insurance over the Phone? Read this important case

More and more; people are purchasing insurance or renewing their insurance policies over the phone. This can relate to car insurance, mortgage insurance, life insurance, disability insurance, critical illness insurance, health/medical insurance. It doesn’t matter what type of insurance it is; the reality is that we are placing more emphasis…


Getting your Long Term Disability Benefits Reinstated: Getting back on Claim!

Long Term Disability benefits flow for many disabled claimants with no issue. The insurer may from time to time request a report from a family doctor, questionnaire, or request updated clinical notes and records. The insurer may also request that the claimant see their own “doctor” or “specialist” in order…


E-Discovery & VideoConferencing for Personal Injury Cases: Because it’s 2020!

“In my view, the simplest answer to this issue is, “It’s 2020”. We no longer record evidence using quill and ink. In fact, we apparently do not even teach children to use cursive writing in all schools anymore. We now have the technological ability to communicate remotely effectively. Using it…


Overdose and Pharmacy Negligence Cases

Our personal injury lawyers have seen in increased volume of overdose and pharmacy negligence cases over the past year. Why is that? Perhaps more of the population is dependent on pharmaceutical medication? With that increased volume of customers for pharmacists; there is a greater chance for human error when dispensing…

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