
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Brian Goldfinger on the new impaired driving laws & their personal injury law implications (Ontario)

It’s the holiday season! Brian Goldfinger and everyone here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers wishes you and your loved ones a happy, healthy and safe holiday and new year. Today (December 18, 2018) new penalties for impaired driving were introduced. The penalties are stiff, and have significant implication in both criminal…


Brian Goldfinger on Building a Personal Injury Case in Ontario

Many people ask Brian Goldfinger what it takes to build a successful personal injury case. Is it having the best personal injury lawyer? (not that any personal injury lawyer can ever say that s/he is the best because that’s against the law). Is it having the best client? Is it having…


Proposed Court Reforms Benefit Rich Insurers at the Expense of Average Litigants in Ontario

In a perfect world, the Courtroom presents a level playing field. There are rules which are meant to be followed. There is a neutral unbiased judge who acts as trier of fact; decides right from wrong; just from unjust. When the rules of the Courtroom are tweaked, those tweaks have…


Hidden Barriers to Recovery to Personal Injury Cases in Ontario

Personal injury law should be simple. Plaintiff sustains an injury in an accident (the damages component). Defendant’s negligence caused the accident (the liability component) Plaintiff’s injuries directly caused as a result of the Defendant’s negligence (the causation component). Any personal injury case without all three of these components will fail.…


OCF-10 Election Form: Tips for Completion

The OCF-10 Election Form is important for your car accident case in Ontario. By completing the OCF-10 Election Form, the injured accident victim is telling the insurance company which benefit they are choosing to receive. Completing the OCF-10 Election Form incorrectly, or late; can hurt a car accident case and…


Brian Goldfinger’s top safety tips for Halloween 2018

It’s that time of year again. Halloween! I loved Halloween as a kid, and still do! The idea of going door to door and getting free candy still astonishes me. It can bring a community/neighbourhood closer together. Each year I put out a blog post regarding Halloween safety tips, and…


The Application for Accident Benefits after a car accident in Ontario and all of those OCF Claim Forms

Completing the Application for Accident Benefits is the single and most important step in any car accident case. Without a completed Application for Accident Benefits, your car accident case; both for tort and accident benefits won’t get off the ground. Failure to complete an Application for Accident Benefits can nullify…


The Legalization of Cannabis in Canada & Personal Injury Law: A Crossroads

October 17, 2018 will go down in history as the day which Canada legalized recreational cannabis (and mark the beginning of the Kwahi Leonard era began for the Toronto Raptors). Some cheered. Some geered. Many were indifferent. There is certainly a strong case to be made for the decriminalization of…

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