In law school, lawyers are taught to sue parties with deep pockets. Suing a Defendant who is without assets will net you a limited or a nil return. You can’t get blood from a stone. Understanding this concept is important to understanding how car accident cases work in Ontario. But…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Brian Goldfinger’s Legal Advertising Case Concluded (Updated Release July 31, 2018)
*UPDATED RELEASE (July 31, 2018) Brian Goldfinger’s Legal Advertising Case Concluded TORONTO: A resolution reached on June 20, 2018 between lawyer Brian Goldfinger and the regulator of Ontario’s legal profession has resulted in new case law that will aid lawyers in navigating the rules that govern lawyer advertising. A resolution…
The Longest Personal Injury Case in Ontario’s History? Davies v. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington, 2018 ONSC 4370 (CanLII)
The purpose of this entry of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog is to focus on a rather long personal injury case called Davies v. The Corporation of the Municipality of Clarington. This is the case about a Via Trail derailment on what should have been a routine trip from Toronto…
How to sue for a Dog Bite in Ontario?
One of Brian Goldfinger’s very first personal injury cases which drew media attention was a dog bite case out of Toronto. This tragic case was covered by the Globe & Mail. The headline of the newspaper read “Man charged in fatal pitbull attack on dog“. The dog attack took place…
Brian Goldfinger on Trust in Personal Injury Cases (Ontario)
The word trust, in a non legal sense is defined as “the firm belief in the reliability, truth, ability, or strength of someone or something.” In the context of a personal injury case, there are times where trust can be a good thing; and times when it can be a very…
Death Benefits for Car Accident Cases in Ontario: A Review
Toronto has seen a spike in pedestrian/car and bike/car accidents. Toronto has also seen a spike in fatality claims arising from such accidents. Vision Zero is a multi-national road traffic safety project that aims to achieve a highway system with no fatalities or serious injuries involving road traffic. Vision Zero has…
Brian Goldfinger on Long Term Disability Cases
My name is Brian Goldfinger. I’m a personal injury lawyer. My law firm Goldfinger Injury Lawyers helps accident victims, disability claimants, and their loved ones fight insurance companies to get the benefits and compensation which they deserve after a serious accident, illness or injury. My law firm only acts on…
Brian Goldfinger’s Legal Advertising Case to Conclude With Joint Submission
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE (June 20, 2018) TORONTO: A resolution reached today between lawyer Brian Goldfinger and the regulator of Ontario’s legal profession will aid lawyers in navigating the rules that govern lawyer advertising. The resolution states that Mr. Goldfinger’s advertising constituted “misconduct” under the Law Society of Ontario’s rules, but…
Personal Injury Cases in Ontario: The dehumanization of the Plaintiff
My name is Brian Goldfinger. I’m a personal injury lawyer. My law firm, Goldfinger Injury Lawyers, represents injured accident victims, disability claimants and their loved ones across Ontario. We have meeting offices in Toronto, London, Peterborough, Kitchener-Waterloo, and soon to be Owen Sound too! More on our expansion to Owen…
Cutting Off Employee Benefits at 65 deemed Unconstitutional: Talos v. Grand Erie District School Board
It’s not often that the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog comments on cases decided at the Human Rights Tribunal of Ontario. The reason being is that car accident cases, slip and falls, long term disability cases, motorcycle accidents etc. are all dealt with before the Ontario Superior Court; not the Human…