
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Deteriorating Accident Rights in Ontario: Nobody cares until it happens to you or a loved one

Members of Goldfinger Injury Lawyers attended at a legal conference a few weeks ago. It had all sorts of lawyers, spanning a multitude of different practice areas. It was great chatting with different lawyers outside of the realm of personal injury law to hear about their success stories and struggles.…


Examinations for Discovery for Personal Injury Claims in Ontario

What is an Examination for Discovery? Examinations for Discovery are normal. They occur in nearly every civil action (personal injury, or not), in Ontario. This is an opportunity for your personal injury lawyer to ask the Defendant at fault driver, or insurance adjuster a series of questions which are answered…


I want to ride my Bicycle; I want to ride my Bike: Bicycle Accidents in Ontario Examined

The snow has melted. The sun is shinning (sometimes); and the weather is getting less miserable. It’s time to go outside and enjoy the fresh air. For many, the turn of seasons from winter to spring, means riding your bike to work. In fact, from May 29-June 30, 2017, it’s…


Long Term Disability Benefits and Limitation Periods: Don’t trust your insurer to inform you of your rights!!!

My law firm gets calls from people all across Ontario with respect to Long Term Disability claims. The questions cover a wide range of topics from: Am I entitled to LTD benefits? What can I do if the LTD insurer denies my claim? How can I apply for LTD benefits?…


Insurance Adjusters: Why there seem to be so many after a car accident (Ontario)

If you’ve been involved in a car accident in Ontario, and you’ve been injured, you will need to report the collision/accident to a car insurer. Despite what you may believe, large car insurance companies aren’t run by computers. They have real live people who work there! Many work very hard…


What does “Disability” mean in your Long Term Disability Policy (Ontario)

One of your benefits through work may be a form of Long Term Disability Insurance. LTD Insurance can also be purchased outside of work privately, through a policy which follows you from job to job. Having an LTD policy is always a good thing. You can also have more than…


Car Accident in Ontario? You have two cases! Tort & Accident Benefit Claims examined

You know what’s confusing? Car accident claims. Even for personal injury lawyers who concentrate their practices exclusively on car accident claims; these claims can be confusing! A recent report commissioned by the Government of Ontario (The Marshall Report: Fair Benefits, Fairly Delivered) affirms this opinion. Car accident claims; specifically accident…

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