Not many people know this, but my family used to own a farm in Brockville, ON. Brockville is east of Kingston, near the Ontario/Quebec border. My grandparents owned a large farm with hundreds of cows, some chickens and large vegetable garden. I still have memories of the farm. On occasion,…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
My car accident and Long Term Disability Claims are worth over a million dollars (Ontario)
If you asked any injured accident victim, or long term disability claimant how much they believed their case to be worth, you would get all sorts of varying ranges of damages. Most injured accident victims and disability claimants don’t understand how the law works. They also don’t understand how the…
Definition of Disability in your Long Term Disability Policy (LTD ONTARIO)
What does it take to be found disabled under your Long Term Disability Policy? A kind adjuster? A lenient policy? Good handwriting on the LTD application? A good LTD lawyer? Or is it just dumb luck? Our lawyers wish we had the answer to get you approved right away. A…
Should you really need a license or insurance to ride your bike (Ontario)
In a recent survey taken by the “Campaign Research Poll” of 506 Toronto voters found that 60% of them wanted cyclists to be licensed and insured. 57% of those surveyed also wanted the City of Toronto to have more bike lanes. This poll raised significant debate for motorists, cyclists and…
Tips on getting your Long Term Disability Claim approved (Ontario)
Our law firm often gets calls from soon to be Long Term Disability claimants asking our lawyers to fill out their forms. We realize that the LTD application forms can be overwhelming, complex, with some hard to answer questions. Not all questions can be answered in a “yes/no” fashion. Filling…
What ever happened to timely and fair accident benefits in Ontario?
Sometimes, our personal injury lawyers think that car accident law has been purposely designed just to trip people up. How else can you explain: a) $36,920 deductible for a pain and suffering award in a car accident claim b) $73,840 deductible for a pain and suffering award if involved in…
Gaining access to Ontario Courts in a personal injury or long term disability case? Think again…(Bars to Justice edition)
In Canada, we live in a free and democratic society. We are supposed to have access to the Courts when things go wrong in order to pursue justice and protect our rights and freedoms. When you’ve been wronged, and all else fails, you ought to be able to pursue your…
When a summary judgment motion turns in to a mini trial (Ontario)
In the November 6, 2015 edition of the Law Times, personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger wrote an article entitled “Three Day Summary Judgment Mini Trial”. You can find a link to Mr. Goldfinger’s article here as reproduced in the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. Our lawyers were wondering when such a situation…
Basic steps for initiating a Long Term Disability Claim in Ontario
When it comes to litigating Long Term Disability Claims, many disabled claimants don’t know where to start. How do I sue? Who do I sue? Can I sue my own insurer? If I sue, will I get fired? How much can I sue for? Will my case go to trial?…
Deteriorating Accident Rights in Ontario: Nobody cares until it happens to you or a loved one
Members of Goldfinger Injury Lawyers attended at a legal conference a few weeks ago. It had all sorts of lawyers, spanning a multitude of different practice areas. It was great chatting with different lawyers outside of the realm of personal injury law to hear about their success stories and struggles.…