It has been a busy week at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers, and we have some exciting news to share with the readership of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. We’re excited to announce the hiring of a new lawyer, Afsoun Amirsolaimani. Afsoun comes to us having graduated from the Faculty of Law at…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Catastrophic Car Accident Cases & Team Meetings (Ontario)
The most serious types of motor vehicle accidents in Ontario are referred to as “catastrophic“, or “CAT” cases. Just because the accident is bad, doesn’t necessarily make that the accident is “catastrophic“. Just because the injuries are serious, also doesn’t make the accident “catastrophic“. The term “catastrophic” carries a very…
Your Personal Injury or Long Term Disability Case starts even before you retain a lawyer (Ontario)
Bad accidents happen all the time. Long Term Disability denials too. It’s a common misconception that one’s case begins the moment that the claimant retains a personal injury lawyer. This is completely wrong. One’s case begins long before that. And, it’s important for a potential claimant to know that their actions…
Legal Fees in Personal Injury Cases & The Solicitors Act Ontario
Recently, the Ontario Divisional Court released their decision in Gilbert’s LLP v. David Dixon Inc., 2017 ONSC 1345. The Honourable Justice Nordheimer, speaking for the Court had some pointed commentary with respect to the Solicitors Act and its application in 2017. The Solicitors Act goes back to 1909 England. The…
Distracted Driving in the News again (Ontario)
Today, the Federal Government called for tougher penalties, along with increased national uniformity when it comes to distracted driving. This call to arms was long overdue. Our personal injury lawyers can tell you that distracted driving has been a problem since at least 2004, if not earlier. Think of all…
Long Term Disability Claim Denied? Here’s what you need to know (Ontario)
If you have applied for Long Term Disability Benefits with a private LTD insurer such as SunLife, Manulife, Great West Life, Industrial Alliance, SSQ, Co-Operators, Empire Life, RBC Insurance, La Capitale Insurance, BMO Insurance; and had your claim denied, then this is the article you need to read. It’s important…
Ghost Writing Medical Reports in Personal Injury Cases (Ontario)
Medical experts, along with their reports, are major pieces of evidence in any serious personal injury case in Ontario. The testimony of a Plaintiff, and that of a Defendant, will likely be self serving. The Injured Accident Victim Plaintiff will take the stand and provide evidence that the accident was…
Why insurance companies insist on Jury Trials for Personal Injury Cases (Ontario)
Personal Injury Lawyer Brian Goldfinger drew inspiration for the proceeding entry of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog from Nick, famous YouTube Star of wildly entertaining, and super high quality Pokemon GO! channel; Trainer Tips. Check out his channel if you haven’t already. Shout out to Nick for all of the…
The fine print in your car insurance policy (Ontario)
If you drive a car in Ontario, every year or so, your car insurance needs to get renewed. Come renewal time, your premiums may go up, they may go down, or just stay the same. Ontario drivers need to purchase insurance in order to drive. This is a requirement under…
How to Apply to the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board in Ontario
If you have been injured as the result of a crime in Ontario, you may be entitled to compensation from the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board (CICB). What is the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board you ask? Good question! The Criminal Injuries Compensation Board is a government body which assesses and awards…