
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


How your Long Term Disability Benefits get reduced: The Set Off

Long Term Disability Plans are what they call in the insurance industry “living policies” or “living benefits“. You need to be alive in order to recover on going LTD Benefits. In their most basic form, these LTD policies are there to protect an insured person in the event of serious…


Medical Therapists Getting Paid at the End or working on the basis of a Protected Account (Ontario)

The road to recovery can be a long one following a serious accident. You’ll need all the help you can get; and sometimes the help provided through the publicly funded OHIP system just isn’t enough. Treatment like physiotherapy, occupational therapy, massage, psychological counselling, speech language pathology and chiropractic treatment in…


Fibromyaligia, Depression & Chronic Pain in a personal injury case (Ontario)

Many of our clients suffer from fibromyalgia, depression and chronic pain. These injuries arise and present themselves in a wide variety of ways. Each case is fact specific. We never know how these injuries will present themselves or manifest. Our lawyers see fibromyaligia, depression and chronic pain in the context…


More tips on Completing the newly revised OCF-18 Treatment Plan Form (Accident Benefits Ontario)

The most important form to get treatment (physio, chrio, massage, occupational therapy, counselling, speech language etc.) after a car accident in Ontario is called the OCF-18 Treatment Plan. This is a magical form. If the OCF-18 Treatment Plan is completed properly; then your treatment will be approved and paid for…


The R. v. Jordan effect: How a criminal case from BC has impacted car accident cases across Ontario

It’s not very often that judgments from the criminal court system impact personal injury and car accident cases. It’s particularly rare when a criminal case which was decided in British Columbia, has such a far reaching effect that it impacts the way and timing in which personal injury cases are…


Our law firm’s recent experience with auto fraud (Ontario)

In last week’s Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog, I briefly shared with you our law firm’s experience seeing and reporting auto/accident benefit fraud. We had many calls following that blog post wanting to know more, as I didn’t really expand on what had happened. This week, we will take this opportunity…


Our experience reporting accident benefit/auto fraud to the FSCO Fraud Tip Line

I would like to begin this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post by discussing our law firm’s experience reporting a case of auto fraud to the Financial Services Commission of Ontario (FSCO). I will get in to what exactly the auto fraud was in a later post, as I simply don’t have…


Ask a Personal Injury Lawyer: Rapid Fire Q&A with Brian Goldfinger

Throughout the course of the year, the Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer Blog gets tonnes a questions from our loyal readership. We do our best to answer every question we can. Here are some of the best, and most commonly asked questions we have received. All of these questions have been…

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