
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


How a criminal investigation will impact a personal injury case in Ontario

Sometimes personal injury cases are investigated by the police. Sometimes, criminal, or quasi criminal charges will be laid on the Defendant (the at fault party). What does this mean for your personal injury case, and how will your personal injury case be impacted by these charges and the ensuing police…


Eye Popping Theft Premium Surcharges on Auto Insurance Policies

On June 22, 1990, the Ontario Government introduced the threshold for general damages in car accident cases. This meant that each injury needed to be deemed as a “serious and permanent impairment” of an important physical or psychological function. If the personal injury did not meet the medico legal threshold…


Why “Doing Fine” is not good for a successful car accident case in Ontario

The greater your injuries, the greater the value of your personal injury case. The same applies in the opposite. The less severe your injuries, the less value your personal injury case will have. It’s always good to have a healthy and high quality of life and a lower value personal…

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