
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Tips for a Safe Long Weekend from a Personal Injury Lawyer (Ontario)

For many, this May long weekend marks the official beginning of spring/summer; depending on how you evaluate the temperature. After a very long, cold and windy winter, this May long weekend is a warm welcome; even if the temperatures aren’t “July in Windsor warm“. As an accident lawyer, our firm…


Reviewing the changes (cuts) to Ontario Car Insurance: Pay More Get Less Yet Again

The governing Liberals announced Ontario’s budget on April 23, 2015. Finance Minister Charles Sousa, backed by Premier Kathleen Wynne were in fine form that day. When one thinks of the term “budget“, we would think of all things financial, including taxes, public spending on healthcare, infrastructure, and education. And to…


What to do immediately following your car accident (Ontario): The blitz

The time immediately following your car accident can me the most difficult time; and the most important time in terms of getting your case on to the right start. There is a LOT of work to do immediately following your car accident. Lawyers know this. Insurance adjusters know this. Unfortunately,…


Here comes the sun? Top 5 Bike Safety Tips from Goldfinger Personal Injury Law

I was at our Peterborough Office at 380 Armour Rd in the East City today. En-route, it began to snow. Like real, hard core snow. Confession: I had my snow tires removed 3 weeks ago. With temperatures below freezing in Peterborough and the Kawarthas, I could have benefited from keeping…


Alternative Business Structures and the Legal Profession in Ontario

The Law Society of Upper Canada is the regulatory body which governs lawyers in Ontario. They are considering some changes with respect to how lawyers do business, and administer services throughout the province. Currently, lawyers can provide legal services to the PUBLIC in a wide variety or ways: A sole…


Distracted Driving is the new Impaired; but Impaired charges may be making a comeback (Ontario)

Driving while using or even holding a hand held device has become a hot button topic across Canada. Charges in relation to distracted driving are on the rise, and are slowly catching up to those charges related to impaired driving. In Ontario, it’s illegal for drivers to talk, text, type,…


Long Term Disability Claims: How LTD policies can work against you

Our law firm litigates countless Long Term Disability (LTD) claims against large, multi-national insurers such as Great West Life, Sun Life, Manulife, Industrial Alliance, Desjardins, SSQ, Canada Life, Empire Life, RBC Insurance, Co-Operators, Equitable Life and the list goes on. Litigating these claims can prove to be difficult for a…


The things juries aren’t told in car accident cases (Ontario)

Only 1% of car accident cases go to trial. That means that 99% of car accident cases settle outside of the courtroom. There are many advantages to settlement. Certainly of the settlement and the lack of appeal rights of the parties to the settlement come to mind. You control your…


The little things insurance companies look at in car accident cases (Ontario)

Clients frequently believe that because a car accident happened, and they’re not at fault, that they’re automatically entitled to compensation for pain and suffering. That might have been the case in the 1960’s or 1970’s during the “auto-lotto“, but that’s certainly not the case in Ontario anymore. Lawyers refer to…

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