
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Why doesn’t the insurance company believe that I’m injured? (Ontario)

If insurers paid out maximum compensation on each and every claim, there wouldn’t be any need for personal injury lawyers or paralegals who focus on benefit accident claims. Why does an injured accident victim or disability claimant need a lawyer, if the insurer is paying them out the full value…


Common Canada Day Injuries: How to play it safe (Ontario)

Happy Canada Day! It’s a time to celebrate our beautiful country, friends and family. For many, Canada Day will involve good food, good beverage, and participating in outdoor activities. In the days following Canada Day, our law firm often gets a number of calls and inquiries regarding injuries which took…


Insurer Medical Examinations in the context of your Injury or Disability Case: But Do I really have to attend? (Ontario)

You’ve been injured in a car accident, or you’ve made a claim for Long Term Disability Benefits. Benefits have not yet been paid. The insurance is giving you a tough time. They’re treating you like you’ve done something wrong; when all you’ve done is been in the wrong place at…


How much is my Long Term Disability Claim worth? (LTD Claims Ontario)

One of the most commonly asked questions of clients at my law firm is “how much is my case worth?” This is never an easy question to answer.  When assessing the value of a claim, particularly an LTD claim, there are a variety of factors which need to be examined…


Suing the wrongdoer in a Civil lawsuit or pursuing a WSIB Claim? What’s best for you (Ontario)

Our law firm does NOT handle any WSIB matters. Imagine that…a personal injury law firm refusing work! But that’s right; our law firm doesn’t touch WSIB work. There are a lot of reasons we don’t practice in this area. Aside from the WSIB being an archaic, overly complicated system; the…


Understanding the term “Disability” under your Long Term Disability Policy (LTD Ontario)

A Long Term Disability policy of insurance (LTD Policy), is a policy designed to cover the insured for a monthly benefit in the event that person becomes disabled. These policies are often offered by employers, to employees as a part of their benefits package. It’s a common perk of employment.…


One bad apple can spoil the whole lot of injury lawyers (Ontario)

First and foremost, I want to send special recognition my friend David Siegel, who told me last night that he stopped following his mother, sister, father, the best man at his wedding, and his Grade 8 Karate teacher on Twitter. BUT, he continues to follow @GoldfingerLaw on Twitter. David told…


Note Taking and Insurance Claims; they go hand in hand (Ontario)

Intact Insurance has some great television commercials where an terrible accident happens (like a car driving in to a swimming pool); followed by a scene involving an insurance policy holder calling the insurer over the phone. The next scene is that of a well lit and pleasant call centre whereby…


Tips for a Safe Long Weekend from a Personal Injury Lawyer (Ontario)

For many, this May long weekend marks the official beginning of spring/summer; depending on how you evaluate the temperature. After a very long, cold and windy winter, this May long weekend is a warm welcome; even if the temperatures aren’t “July in Windsor warm“. As an accident lawyer, our firm…


Reviewing the changes (cuts) to Ontario Car Insurance: Pay More Get Less Yet Again

The governing Liberals announced Ontario’s budget on April 23, 2015. Finance Minister Charles Sousa, backed by Premier Kathleen Wynne were in fine form that day. When one thinks of the term “budget“, we would think of all things financial, including taxes, public spending on healthcare, infrastructure, and education. And to…

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