
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Special Guest Post by Personal Injury Lawyer Stephen Offenheim: His views on telling the truth in a car accident case

More often than you could possibly imagine, we here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers are courted by other lawyers, professional bloggers, advertisers and spam services to post content, links etc. on the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. We have never, and repeat NEVER caved. Only lawyers and other staff members of Goldfinger…


Injury Law and the Legal Concept of “Causation”: When an accident and an injury aren’t enough

There are three elements to any personal injury case. Element #1: Liability: How did the accident happen and who’s to blame? The concept of liability is straight forward in many cases. A drunk driver runs a stop sign resulting in catastrophic motor vehicle accident. Establishing liability against the drunk driver…


It’s slip & fall season: things our law firm has seen we wish we hadn’t (Ontario)

In case you haven’t noticed, the white stuff we call snow is all around us. It’s causing some slippery conditions for motorists and pedestrians alike. Just getting around your respective city or town, whether it’s a booming metropolis like Toronto, or a small Town like Omemee (home of Neil Young,…


Typical questions you will need to answer in your car accident case (Ontario)

Every injury case is different. That’s because every person is different; every accident is different, every injury is different; and everyone’s pre and POST accident health is different. But, there are many similarities to personal injury cases. For starters, all car accidents will involve some sort of motor vehicle. Liability;…


In the search of the truth in your personal injury case (Ontario)

We would all like to think that the law is the quest for the truth. It’s the pursuit of justice. It’s establishing before a Court of Law, what’s right, and what’s wrong. In a perfect world, our courts should work that way. All cases should be heard quickly, before a…


Examination for Discovery in car accident cases: Understanding Undertakings, Refusals & Questions Taken Under Advisement (Ontario)

One of the most important, exhausting and difficult part of any car accident or personal injury case prior to trial is the Examination for Discovery process. An examination for discovery in Canada, is akin to a deposition in the United States. The reason I make the comparison is because with…


The Taxability of Lump Sum Long Term Disability Settlements (CRA Changes January 1, 2015)

Our law firm had a record number of Long Term Disability Claims settle in the last quarter of 2014. In particular, the last month of 2014 was a mediation bonanza for our lawyers when it came resolving long term disability (LTD) disputes. One of the things which we caution our…


Hosting a New Year’s Party? Tips on Social Host Liability in Drunk Driving Collisions (Ontario)

2014 is coming to a close and what a year it’s been. Tonight, millions of people around Ontario are getting ready to bring in the new year in style. That means parties, gatherings, food and alcohol. Many host parties at their homes and have questions regarding the safe service and…


Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Christmas Edition: WSIB Benefits vs. Suing the At Fault Party

We often get calls from people who have received, or are in the process of receiving WSIB (Worker’s Compensation) Benefits and now want to sue their employer. Let me preface this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog by stating that our law firm DOES NOT handle WSIB matters. There are a handful…

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