One of the greatest weapons which an insurer has in their arsenal of defence strategies is surveillance. For those of you who don’t know, surveillance is when an investigator follows an accident victim and films, records them, or takes photos of them when they’re out and about in public. For…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
How to complete the OCF-3 Disability Certificate following a car accident in Ontario
One of the most important, most complex, and trickiest claim forms to complete following a car accident is the OCF-3 Disability Certificate. Never heard of an OCF-3 Disability Certificate? That’s ok. Most people haven’t heard of any of these “OCF” claim forms until after they’ve been involved in a car…
Updated Winter Safety Tips for 2014/15 from Goldfinger Personal Injury Law
Last year around this time, our law firm published our top winter safety tips in the ever popular Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog. If you didn’t catch those tips, you can read about them here. Environment Canada is predicting a milder winter, compared to las year.The’re predicting less snow, less ice,…
Jail House Assaults in Ontario: Were lessons learned from Jean Paul Rheaume beating?
One of the most interesting cases our law firm has ever handled, was a jail house assault matter in Sarnia Ontario. The Sarnia Jail has been know for its overcrowding issues and violence. When you have too many people under one roof, things are going to get rowdy. When you…
Long Term Disability Claims: The insurance company’s greatest defence are the offsets
I was recently mediating a Long Term Disability Claim on behalf of a disabled client who worked for Canada Post. She was diagnosed with a wide variety of ailments, including but not limited to: – Disc Bulges at various levels requiring surgery – Chronic Pain stemming from her back radiating…
The importance of insuring your ATVs, snowmobiles and other recreational vehicles
It’s starting to get a bit chilly outside and snow is on the horizon. Many snowmobile enthusiasts are gearing up for another great winter on the trails. Before you head out this season, the Court of Appeal just released an important ruling dealing with the importance of insuring your ATVs,…
Lawyers Fees in Personal Injury Cases: Beware the hidden “costs”
If it sounds too good to be true; then beware! (free legal advice) This saying applies to sales, services and deals we see in our every day lives. It even applies to legal fees in personal injury cases. How so? Good question. I’ve heard of injury lawyers quoting prospective clients…
Quick Halloween Safety Tips from your Friendly, Neighbourhood Personal Injury Lawyer (Ontario)
Halloween is fast approaching and everyone is getting in to the spirit. Household decorations are popping up. People are crunching trying to find that perfect holiday costume. And what about the mounds of candies and treats that are yet to come. It’s a fun time which shouldn’t be tainted by…
How is pain and suffering measured in my personal injury case (Ontario)
The first thing which comes to mind when thinking about compensation for personal injury law cases is that they’re all about pain and suffering, or general damages as they’re known. People who focus on in this area know that damages for pain and suffering are significant, but they aren’t the…
Car Accidents in Northern Ontario (Sudbury, Thunder Bay, Timmins, Sault Ste. Marie, North Bay)
Our lawyers represent clients from all across Ontario. From Southwest Ontario, Toronto, all the way to the Northern most part of this great province. I will be in Thunder Bay this month, and next month helping out innocent accident victims. People want to know what sort of differences we see…