Recently, police forces from across Ontario began a 6 week distracted driving blitz. They’ve been handing out tickets left right and centre to crack down on offences like texting while driving, operating a cell phone while driving etc. With the increase popularity and availability of smart phones, distracted driving has…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Some thoughts on a recent Child’s Fatal Car Accident
Received a few calls wanting commentary on the recent fatal accident involving a 7 year old. The accident took place at intersection of Millwood Road and McRae Drive, south of Eglinton Avenue in Toronto in an affluent area of the City known as Leaside. The intersection has a baseball diamond…
Mediation in personal injury actions (Ontario)
If you’ve consulted with a personal injury lawyer, then you’ve likely heard, or found out that 99% of these sort of claims settle BEFORE trial. One of the tools which lawyers use to foster settlement is called mediation. Mediation is an important step in any legal case. In fact, mediation…
Child safety and protecting your little one in the context of a personal injury claim (Ontario)
Today I purchased a new car seat for my young one. The amount of safety technology they put in to car seats for little ones is astonishing. I think that an army of engineers and crash collision experts spent years developing the safety technology in the car seat. The safety…
Understanding your Critical Illness Policy & Litigating Critical Illness Claims
The idea behind Critical Illness Insurance sounds great. If you suffer from a particular critical illness, then the insurance company will pay you a lump sum. What sort of critical illnesses are covered are defined by the policy. It all sounds great, and sounds like a very lucrative proposition. For…
A few tips to avoid trouble this Canada Day Long Weekend (Accident Lawyer Toronto)
Yesterday, there was a fatal crash on Highway 401 just outside of Whitby. The accident involved 4 vehicles (a Toyota Corolla, a transport truck, a tour bus, and a Pontiac motor vehicle). The transport truck hit the Corolla at around 10:30AM, so visibility was likely not an issue around that…
How Insurers use Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) against you
You know what’s fun? Posting status updates on Facebook. Posting pictures on Instagram. Posting videos on Vine. Posting your day to day thoughts on Twitter. Posting your new job on LinkedIn. Social media is FUN. But just because something is fun or popular, doesn’t mean that it’s right for you,…
Why does it take so long for personal injury cases to settle or finish?
When will my case settle? When will I get compensation for my injuries? When will my case close? These are just a few of the most common questions that our lawyers are asked at our firm. They are very good questions to say the least. It’s entirely understandable when an…
Medical Treatment after a Car Accident (Ontario)
So; you’ve been involved in a serious car accident. You were taken by ambulance to hosptial. They did a few x-rays, scans, gave you some pills, and told you to follow up with your family doctor. Or, the injuries were more serious, and you were an in-patient at the hospital…
How to place a dollar figure on your Long Term Disability Claim: The Mediation Process Explained
Our law firm sees some very seriously injured accident victims and disability claimants. Many of our long term disability clients who have cases against large multi national insurers such as Manulife, SunLife, Great West Life, Standard Life, Desjardins, Industrial Alliance, SSQ, Equitable Life etc; want to know how an insurer…