
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


What to do for money after an accident if you’re so injured that you can’t work? (Ontario)

Many of our clients cannot return to work after serious accidents. The form of accident is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if your accident was caused by bike, car, pedestrian knock down, boat, fall or otherwise. It doesn’t matter if your injury is catastrophic, is a brain injury, spinal cord injury,…


Do I have to attend the “Independent” Medical Examination arranged by the Insurance Company? Steps in a car accident or Long Term Disability Case (Ontario)

You’ve been involved in a car accident, or you’re involved in a dispute against your Long Term Disability Insurer. The adjuster for the insurance company tells you over the phone, or in an incomprehensible letter that they want you to attend a medical examination with a doctor you’ve never heard…


How Ontario is cracking down on distracted driving & preventing bike accidents (dooring)

A psychiatrist friend of mine innocently teased me for a Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post back in October 2013 on “dooring” epidemic that was facing cyclists in many of Canada’s largest cities (and the smaller ones too!). Here is a link to that Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post, along with…


Why insurance companies don’t like fibromyalgia clamaints (LTD & Car Accidents)

It’s an unscientific fact that insurance companies don’t like fibromyalgia claimants. It makes no difference of the context of that fibromyalgia claim. It could be for your short term disability claim, long term disability claim, slip and fall or car accident. Don’t take it personally. It’s not YOU they don’t…


Ontario government to introduce drastic changes to how car insurance claims work yet again and YOU weren’t consulted

Our office’s Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog has been a huge success at educating the general public about how car insurance works, how the Courts work with respect to personal injury claims, and all sort of other helpful information for accident victims, disability claimants and their families. Our law firm prides…


Fines for Distracted Driving Set to Increase to $280: Just a slap on the wrist

Ontario’s Chief Justice, Annemarie Bonkalo recently signed an order approving the fine for distracted driving to increase from $155 to $280 effective March 18, 2014. Want a copy of the Judicial Order? Here you go. Short, sweet and to the point. This fine increase for distracted driving in Ontario has…


Hurt in an accident? Don’t count of getting the treatment you need says Globe & Mail

While Canada was glued to their TVs watching Latvia play their version of a prevent defence in American Football, or an ultra conservative soccer defence, another story creeped up which caught my eye. Today’s front page of the Globe & Mail had a story about Canadian Doctors being urged by…


The Long Term Disability Appeal: Worthwhile or a waste of your time?

We receive many calls every week from people who have been denied their Long Term Disability Benefits, by private disability insurers such as Great West Life, SunLife, Manulife, Standard Life, Industrial Alliance, SSQ, Co-Operators, Empire Life, RBC Insurance and others. People want to know what to do after they’ve been…


Right at Law but Wrong in Life: A lesson in personal injury law from the Toronto Police Service

This week I had the pleasure chatting with a kind Detective from the Toronto Police Service in the lobby of the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board. The CICB is where victims of crime can go to get compensation for their injuries resulting from a crime. So, if you’ve been shot or…

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