How does an insurer, judge or jury assess one’s pain level? If their pain is not showing up on any x-ray, scan, or test result, then how does a Court truly know that the claimant is in pain; and in fact telling the truth? What’s stopping somebody from simply making…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
The most commonly asked questions of a personal injury lawyer
Hey Brian! As a lawyer, you must hear some crazy stories. (TRUE). You probably have lots of strangers calling you every day, wanting to discuss their legal problems (TRUE). What are some of the most commonly asked questions of you (GOOD QUESTION). As an injury lawyer, we hear of, and…
What does Incurred Expense for claiming Attendant Care Benefits mean?
The laws continue to get tougher and tougher on accident victims in Ontario for no apparent reason. Why? It’s not like the victim of a drunk driving accident did anything wrong. So why is it then that innocent accident victims are being treated like criminals at every turn when dealing…
Assessing Damages in Catastrophic Injury Claims (Ontario)
Catastrophic Injury claims, by their very nature, are the most serious car accident claims which a personal injury lawyer will face during their legal career. The term “catastrophic” has a special meaning at law for car accident claims in Ontario. At law, we were refer to “castastrophic” as a term…
Bike Safety & Injury a “hot button” issue when the weather heats up
Bike safety is becoming a “sexy” and “on trend” topic for municipal and provincial politicians for a variety of reasons. Governments can’t afford to ignore cyclists. They can’t afford to ignore motorists either. Ontario has pledged $25 million dollars for bike infrastructure over the next 3 years. Where’s that money…
New Trends in Car Accident Law (Ontario)
Personal Injury Law and insurance claims handling practices have trends. Just like we see trends for runway fashion, or trends on a celebrity packed red carpet; we see trends for accident law. What’s hip, sexy, or cool for one insurer, or for one judge on a case, will likely apply…
Top Questions for Critical Illness, Life, and Disability Insurance Policies We See at our Law Firm
This week’s entry comes straight from the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog reader mailbag. Question: Goldfinger: Love the Blog. Hate the new head shots. But seriously, my wife and I are looking at getting insurance. You know. We were curious about life, disability, critical illness etc. You see it all. What…
What to do for money after an accident if you’re so injured that you can’t work? (Ontario)
Many of our clients cannot return to work after serious accidents. The form of accident is irrelevant. It doesn’t matter if your accident was caused by bike, car, pedestrian knock down, boat, fall or otherwise. It doesn’t matter if your injury is catastrophic, is a brain injury, spinal cord injury,…
Do I have to attend the “Independent” Medical Examination arranged by the Insurance Company? Steps in a car accident or Long Term Disability Case (Ontario)
You’ve been involved in a car accident, or you’re involved in a dispute against your Long Term Disability Insurer. The adjuster for the insurance company tells you over the phone, or in an incomprehensible letter that they want you to attend a medical examination with a doctor you’ve never heard…
How Ontario is cracking down on distracted driving & preventing bike accidents (dooring)
A psychiatrist friend of mine innocently teased me for a Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post back in October 2013 on “dooring” epidemic that was facing cyclists in many of Canada’s largest cities (and the smaller ones too!). Here is a link to that Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post, along with…