
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Additional Insight/Thoughts on the Ice Storm

The calls and queries continue to roll in following the ice storm. The anger and frustration around the GTA has been quite remarkable. People are upset for a variety of reasons: lack of power; lack of information; duplication of information; useless information; lack of timely repairs; a certain deputy mayor…


Toronto’s Ice Storm: I want to sue everyone and I want to sue everyone NOW!

The first wave of calls have come in following Toronto’s Ice Storm of 2013. Lots of angry and frustrated people out there. But who can blame them? The ice storm has been called the most devastating storm to hit the City of Toronto and the surronding area in decades. Some…


Am I living in a Dictatorship? Ontario Government changes how YOUR no fault car insurance works..yet again!

Without any consultation, communication, notice or debate, your very own Ontario Government has changed how the laws surrounding no fault accident benefits work yet again! No formal announcment was made. Simply a release of the legislation. In a normal democracy, when laws or amendments to laws are passed, they are…


Winter gear is not only safe, but it’s “cool”: Winter Safety Tips from Goldfinger Personal Injury Law

When I was young, there wasn’t such a thing as a cool pair of winter boots. There certainly wasn’t such a thing as a must have winter jacket. Wait a minute. There was such thing. First it was the “SunIce” ski jacket which was very popular. Then, it became the…


Case settled! Now what? Still more paperwork? Understanding Releases, Settlement Disclosure Notices and a bit of Drake

When I show clients their files, often; they are astounded by the amount of paper involved in handling their case. Even in a “paperless system“, we still print medical records, medical reports, pleadings etc. for mediation memos, briefs and Affidavits of Documents. At the end of the day, personal injury…


How liability laws for winter time slip and fall accidents work in Ontario: The Law is Against you

If you or a family member is the victim of a fall on snow, ice, or slippery winter conditions, the following Toronto Injury Law Blog Post is a “must read“. If you’re just a legal keener interested in somewhat educational legal read, this Blog Post is “pretty cool”; as the…


Winter’s Coming: Game of Thrones? No. Seriously. It’s getting cold outside. Top Winter Safety Tips

Yes. I know. Cute Game of Thrones reference. Which, by the way, season # 4 is scheduled to begin in early 2014 and…spoiler alert…the first episode will feature the death of an important character. Who you ask? You’ll have to wait and see. In any event, the temperature is dropping…

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