
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


How liability laws for winter time slip and fall accidents work in Ontario: The Law is Against you

If you or a family member is the victim of a fall on snow, ice, or slippery winter conditions, the following Toronto Injury Law Blog Post is a “must read“. If you’re just a legal keener interested in somewhat educational legal read, this Blog Post is “pretty cool”; as the…


Winter’s Coming: Game of Thrones? No. Seriously. It’s getting cold outside. Top Winter Safety Tips

Yes. I know. Cute Game of Thrones reference. Which, by the way, season # 4 is scheduled to begin in early 2014 and…spoiler alert…the first episode will feature the death of an important character. Who you ask? You’ll have to wait and see. In any event, the temperature is dropping…


Tips for safe Trick or Treating this Halloween

Happy Halloween from Goldfinger Injury Lawyers! Halloween’s a fun Hallmark Holiday which everyone can enjoy. I remember getting really excited to go out trick or treating and returning home with bags full of candy. But, in my years of work, I’ve seen some nasty accidents which occurred on Halloween night.…


Hourly rate vs. Contingency Fees in an accident case: What’s best for you?

There is a cost to justice when you pay your lawyer by the hour. And that cost doesn’t come cheap. Personal Injury Lawyers are the only lawyers I know who routinely and without blinking, take on cases which last years and years on end, without getting paid on an interim…


What is “dooring” and why is it a big deal for accident lawyers?

Cycling is cool. It’s not expensive. It’s fast. It’s healthy. You don’t need a license or insurance to ride. It’s better for the environment. It’s “on trend” in today’s global urban market. And if you’re smart, you can accessorize with a flashy (yet safe) helmet and make all of your…


All about Examinations for Discovery in Ontario Accident Cases

What’s an Examination for Discovery? This is an opportunity for the lawyer for the insurance company to ask you all sorts of questions, while under oath, about your accident case. It’s called an Examination for Discovery because the purpose of the exercise is to “discover” more about you, your injuries,…


An example of what NOT to do once your accident case has begun

Johnny Careless was an interesting fellow. To say that he went against the grain is an under statement. Johnny rode his bike without a helmet. He drove his car without wearing a seat belt. He crossed busy intersections against red lights and don’t walk signals. He texted while driving. He…


The Case of the $1,000,000 Ankle Fracture (Encyclopedia Brown Edition)

I just wanted to begin this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post by first making quick reference to one of my previous entries. It’s the one dealing with how the OPP’s privacy legislation can impact your case, which was published on July 30, 2013. You can check it out in the…

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