The feature article in this Saturday’s Globe & Mail was titled “The End of Winter: What We Lose When We Lose Winter“. To lose the season to climate change seems cataclysmic. I would agree. The article dealt with skiing in Rockies in Western Canada. There are challenges skiing when the…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Getting cut off LTD Benefits just before age 65?
The first long term disability case I had experience with came well before I was a personal injury/disability lawyer. It happened before I was in law school. It happened to my mom. She had just gone through multiple surgeries and had not recovered properly, or at all from them. She…
The selfishness of selecting a Trial by Jury for Car Accident Cases in Ontario
The case summary below, involves a car accident in Ontario. It’s not out of the ordinary. This is how many car accident cases across the province play out. The defendant insurer often insists that these cases proceed with a jury, instead of by way of Judge alone. I think the…
Who says that personal injury laws are supposed to be fair?
I’ve had a few interesting conversations over the past few days with some very thoughtful, rational, insightful and logical people. These people are not lawyers. They have no skin in the game when it comes to the field of personal injury law. That means that they are neither lawyers, insurance…
More Defendants: More Problems in a Personal Injury Case
Personal injury cases are never as simple as they might appear to be. The case of an apparently simple slip and fall, just isn’t so simple. On the surface, the case is very easy to summarize. A person is walking on a private walkway. The walkway was not properly maintained…
Quick Tips Dealing with your Car Insurer after an Accident in Ontario
It may be your first time being involved in a serious car accident where you have sustained serious injuries. These are not common events. And because these are not common events, few people know exactly what to after the accident, or how to deal with their car insurer. The purpose…
Dog Bites Cases in Ontario: Tricks & Tips
Dogs can be cute, cuddly and well behaved. But they can also have behavioural issues, or tendencies, which can make them dangerous. Our personal injury lawyer have seen some pretty horrific injuries resulting from dog attacks. The injuries can be lifelong and quite devastating. The scars from a dog bite,…
What happens when my personal injury case settles?
Lots of clients want to know about what the last steps are in a personal injury case when the parties reach an agreement. What happens upon settlement? Does the money magically appear in my bank account? When will I receive my settlement funds? Are the settlement funds taxable? Do I…
The sweet spot for settlement in a personal injury case (Toronto Raptors Edition)
Yesterday, the Toronto Raptors traded 2x All NBA, 2 x NBA All-Star, 1 x NBA Champion Pascal Siakam to the Pacers for 3 first round draft picks and some players who act as salary filler. Two of the 1st round picks will be late in the first round of the…
It has been snowy. It has been slushy. It has been drizzly. It has been icy. It has been icky. It has been yucky. It has been dreary. It has been mucky. How else would you describe slip and fall season? Few people in Ontario describe the weather in January…