I came across an interesting set of articles in today’s National Post and Globe & Mail. In Toronto’s Parkdale Community, City Council is proposing a cap on the amount of bars and restaurants in the area. Local residents are complaining of the noise, the late night crowds which the bars…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Case study: Hoang v. The Personal Insurance (what an accident benefit adjuster MUST do)
Want to know what an accident benefit adjuster’s gotta do to properly handle your case car accident case? Check out the below Arbitration Appeal review of Delegate Lawrence Blackman of the Financial Services Commission on Ontario in Christopher Hoang v. The Personal Insurance Company of Canada. Facts: The Insured, Christropher…
Current trends in Long Term Disability Policies & Litigation (Ontario)
What’s new in the world of Long Term Disability Law in Ontario? Well, I’m glad you’ve asked. Not to sound like an insurance salesman, but have you even given any thought to what you would do if you found yourself in the terrible position of being so sick, or so…
Tick Tock: Measuring Limitation Periods for Personal Injury Cases in Ontario
How long do I have to sue for my personal injury case? How long can I wait? Can I afford to wait much longer? When should I retain a lawyer? When does time start to run after my accident? What happens if I’m under 18 and I’ve been involved in…
Top Accident Law Questions heard at Goldfinger Law for the Month of May
This has been an interesting month at our offices. I can honestly say, that we’ve come across some very peculiar questions this past month at our Toronto, London and Peterborough offices. We do our very best to answer all of your questions, and I’d like to share some of those…
My personal injury case is a slam dunk and worth a million dollars: trust me!
The calls keep rolling in to our law firm. I’m proud to say that I’m the lawyer who prospective clients will speak to. And, I can say based on all of my years of in-taking such calls that every body thinks they have an AMAZING case that’s worth like a…
Life Insurance vs. Disability Insurance vs. Accident Insurance (what’s the difference)
When you open a new bank account, often the bank will try to sell you on purchasing additional insurance. Sometimes, that insurance is complementary. Be careful.The same can be offered through your workplace. People think that their job comes with benefits. But when those policies and benefits are further examined,…
Understanding Brain Injury: The invisible Injury
There was a great piece on 60 Minutes last night featuring brain injured American soldiers returning from wars in the Middle East with problems such as depression, mood disorders, anxiety, memory loss, word finding difficulties, blurred vision, nausea etc. These were initially diagnosed as concussions, or simply not diagnosed at…
How Ontario’s Budget May Impact Your Personal Injury Case
Every year around this time, Ontarians gather around the radio (old school) or TV and tune in the CTV, CBC, Global or CP24 to listen to the Premier or Minister of Finance go through the details of the provincial budget. The government in power will make grandiose promises like cutting…
The secrets to winning a Long Term Disability Case against the insurance company(Ontario)
Our law firm handles a wide variety of short term, and long term disabilty claims. The insurance companies we go up against in these cases are well known to our lawyers as we have dealt with them on countless occassions. Large, deep pocketed insurance companies such as Great West Life,…