
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


Brian Goldfinger’s Top 6 Tips for Car Accident Evasion on a snowy Toronto Day

The biggest snow storm of the year has hit Toronto and other parts of Ontario. Parts of Highway 401 have been closed off on account of car accidents, poor visibility and poor driving conditions. The police, tow truck drivers and CAA are backlogged with reports of accidents and vehicles in…


Understanding the Statutory Limits for your car accident claim: the money will run out!

If you’ve been hurt or injured in a car accident, wouldn’t it be nice to recover $5,000,000 or $10,000,000 or even $50,000,000 for your injuries? The answer to that is a resounding “YES” from accident victims and injury lawyers alike. This would be amazing! Unfortunately, the laws for damages in…


Liability in Pedestrian Car Accident Cases: The Reverse Onus

In a car accident involving pedestrian vs. car; car usually wins. If your name isn’t Superman, then it’s safe to say that the car will knock down and injure the pedestrian time and time again. The question in pedestrian vs. car accidents isn’t always a question of damages; meaning I…


Why first impressions matter in personal injury cases: Toronto Accident Law

You never get a second chance to make a first impression. You parents probably told you this a dozen or so times when you were young. This saying applies as equally to everyday life, as it applies to one’s personal injury case. Your accident lawyer never gets a second chance…


Brain Injured? Train Wreck? Car Crash? The Toronto Pro Sports Scene in a Nutshell

Note: The opinions expressed in this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog post exclude the Blue Jays, Rock, and Argonauts. It’s mainly limited to the Maple Leafs, TFC and the Raptors. Ever notice how utterly crappy Toronto pro sports franchises are? When’s the last time Toronto had a major sports title? The…


Unlocking the Mysteries of Brain Injury after a car accident in Toronto

Brain injury following a car accident is devastating, and the injury remains a mystery for many. But slowly, the best neurologists and neuroscientists from around the world (including right here in Canada, specifically Toronto and London) are unlocking the mystery of the brain. Better treatment options are becoming available every…


Do’s & Don’ts @ your Examination for Discovery in a Car Accident Case

One of the most important, and most difficult parts of any personal injury case is the Examination for Discovery. In the United States, Examinations for Discovery are called Depositions. The two are basically the same thing. A Discovery is a chance for the lawyer acting for the insurance company to…

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