This month’s November 2012 issue of Toronto LIfe Magazine tried to make the case for making wearing bike helmets the law. The compairison was made that driving your car without a seatbelt is ludicrous and has been made law. Then why not mandate riding your bike while wearing a helmet?…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Change of Pace: Goldfinger Personal Injury Law the Video!
People always ask me: Brian, when am I gonna see you on the big screen? When are we going to see a Goldfinger Injury Lawyers video? Well fans, the time has come for our law firm’s very first stab at the silver screen. Now, this ain’t no Hollywood production. It…
The importance of knowing when and where your car accident happened
It’s astonishing the number of car accident victims in personal injury cases who come to my law firm unprepared for some of the questions I have to ask them. Basic things like: 1. When did your car accident happen? 2. Do you recall the time of day when the car…
Landmark car accident case released yesterday by Ontario Court of Appeal: Pastore v. Aviva
Ontario’s Court of Appeal released a landmark car accident decision yesterday in the case of Pastore v. Aviva. The decision deals with the definition of “catastrophic” under Ontario’s Insurance Act. 60 year old Toronto resident Anna Pastore was attending a wedding when she was hit by a car back in…
Litigating a Long Term Disability Claim: Fibromyalgia: What a Toronto Injury Lawyer has to say
Fibromyalgia doesn’t exist! It’s a figment of your imagination! Get over it! Get outta bed and get a job! Excercise. Deal with your so called “pain“. Stop being depressed! Stop being sad right now! Be happy and pain free immediately you faker! This is what insurance companies would love to…
Building Claims for Family Members in Toronto Car Accident Cases: A Toronto Injury Lawyer’s Perspective
A traumatic Toronto Car Accident not only has a profound impact on the injured party. It also has a big impact on the family of the injured party and their loved ones. I’ve seen this time and time again as a personal injury lawyer. The way that car accident law…
Cover ups in Toronto wrongful death cases: Yes it happens
Let me set the record straight. I’m no conspiracy theorist. But some things make me wonder. The recent release of the confidential Hillsborough Disaster papers is one of those things that makes me mad, and re-inforces my passion as a personal injury lawyer. Let me give you some background. In…
How drunk driving accidents cause irreparable harm
I’m sad to report that Goldfinger Injury Lawyers has a file cabinet full of drunk driver cases. That means that despite all of the public service announcements, press releases, and sad stories you see on the 6 o’clock news, people still aren’t getting the message. Drinking and driving kills. Drunk…
Gathering evidence in a personal injury case: Lawyer as Detective
One of Goldfinger Injury Lawyers’s clients was recently profiled in the Peterborough News x3 for a bar assault claim. You can read all about our client’s story in the Peterborough Examiner’s article; the Peterborough This Week’s article; you can watch the footage on CHEX-TV in Peterborough below: Thanks…
Toronto’s Highest Profile Bike Accident Case back in the News: The Michael Bryant Story
Former Attorney General Michael Bryant is back in the news with the release of his new book 28 Seconds, A True Story of Addiction, Injustice and Tragedy. Notice how the “Tragedy” part in the title is last? The “tragedy” part should be first, because for those of you who have…