One of the perks of any job can be the benefits. Such benefits can include money for a massage for relief after a stressful day, or for relief following a car accident. If you need a masseuse in the 905, seek out Lucas Jacobs RMT; he has magic hands. Another…
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog
Going to Estates Court in a Brain Injury Case? Seriously?
Located on the 7th floor of 361 University Avenue in downtown Toronto, the Estates Court is removed from the fast paced hustle and bustle of the ever busy Superior Court List across the street at 393 University Ave. It’s not everyday a personal injury lawyer has to attend at Estates…
Am I required to attend a medical examination with doctors paid by the insurance company in my personal injury case?
Here’s the short answer to that question: Yes you are required to attend a medical examination with a doctor or sometimes doctors hired and paid for by the insurance company for the purposes of your personal injury case. But, Brian, what gives the insurance company the power to have me…
Ontario Judge Rules it’s OK to briefly hold your cellphone while driving
Ontario Motorists will want to read this case. Provincial Court Justice Shaun Nakatsuru ruled that it was alright for a motorist to briefly hold their cell phone while driving. The facts of the case are interesting for anyone to read (lawyer or not). Disclaimer Alert! This article is not intended…
First Court Decision on definition of “incurred expense” for Attendant Care Benefits Released
The SABS were changed effective September 1, 2010, requiring that in order to recieve Attendant Care Benefits, and injured party must show that the care giver has sustained an economic loss, and that the expense has in fact been an “incurred expense“. That effectively means that if the care provider…
June is Brain Injury Awarness Month
Goldfinger Injury Lawyers is celebrating Brain Injury Awarness Month by donating 100 bike helmets to children in need. Donations have been made to communities in Toronto, London and Peterbourough. Bike accidents, and cyclists wearing helmets are the number 1 preventer of head and brain injury. There has been a lot…
Why do fewer car accident cases go to trial in Toronto?
99% of motor vehicle cases settle outside of Toronto’s Courtrooms. Just 1% of those cases actually go to trial. Trials have essentially gone the way of the Dodo (pronounced Dough Dough). Have you even heard of the Dodo Bird? Probably not. They’ve been extinct for many years. There are many…
Ontario Government Making looking to make changes to catastrophic injury for car accidents
Ontario has a lot of problems: Healtcare Poverty Unemployment A stagnant economy Poor schools Slow Courts Decaying/Lack of Infrastructure But of all these problems, Ontario government has not taken any meaninful steps to make a change. You would think that the problems listed above are very important socio-economic issues which…
Goldfinger Guide to Fair Compensation
We here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers are pleased to announce that we are in the midst of compiling the “Goldfinger Guide to Fair Compensation in a Personal Injury Case“. Why? For starters, my lawyer colleagues who do not practice in the area of personal injury law have been asking me…
How do Toronto Courts really work
Let me share a story with you. When a personal injury action settles, and there are minors involved (minors being persons under the age of 18), the Court will need to approve the settlement. The reason the personal injury settlement needs to be approved by a personal injury law judge,…