
Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog


But I was going to make a million $$$: Quantifying your loss of income claim in a personal injury case

Client after client after client tell me that their personal injury case is worth MILLIONS…No wait…BILLIONS of dollars. The reality is that some cases are worth millions, other cases… well….just aren’t. The real money in personal injury cases is NOT for pain and suffering. Pain and suffering damages are CAPPED…


Top 5 Winter Accident Questions posed by clients at Goldfinger Personal Injury Law

As you may know, Goldfinger Injury Lawyers recently expanded our territory, by opening a new office in London, ON. We are located in the heart of downtown London, at 341 Talbot Street, right next to the John Labatt Centre (Go Knights!) and the Farmer’s Market. If you’re ever in town,…


Brian Goldfinger Quoted in Law Times about Court penalizing insurer $40K for failure to mediate in car accident case

In the case of Keam v. Caddey, the Ontario Court of Appeal ordered that the insurance company pay to the Plaintiff $40,000 in ADDITION to damages for pain and suffering because the insurance company REFUSED to participate in the mediation process before the case went to trial. The Insurance Act…


What if Superman were involved in a car accident? The Law of Damages in Personal Injury Cases

One of the most important things for an accident victim to understand when pursuing their personal injury case is how the laws of damages apply to their individual case. The laws of damages are very important, because at the end of the day, how damages work has a direct impact…


Motorcycle & Bicycle Injury Claims – Have A Lawyer on Your Side!

Bicycles and motorcycles aren’t equipped with the same safety features as the other motor vehicles which they share the roads with. There aren’t any airbags, re-inforced steel doors or side curtain absorption cushioning on any motorcycles or bicycles on the roads. Bikes and motorcycles have to share the roads with…

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