Goldfinger Injury Lawyers handles a lot of dog bite, and dog attack cases. Brian Goldfinger’s first case that drew media attention was a dog bite case whereby a woman along with her therapy dog were viciously attacked by three pit bulls in Toronto. The case drew media attention because of the severity of the injuries to the victim, the severity of the injuries to the therapy dog, which eventually died; along with the fact that the dogs which did the attacking were pit bulls, or pit bull mixed breeds.
Liability in dog attack cases is at times, cut and dry.
Did the dog attack someone? Yes or No?
If the answer is yes, then there is a reverse onus which attaches to the dog owner. Regardless of whether or not the dog owner knew of the attack, or knew of the dog’s propensity to attack, or to be aggressive, the dog owner will be on the hook for the actions of his/her dog. At law, we call this concept “strict liability”. If the dog was on a leash, yet still attacked, the Defendant will still be at fault for the actions/aggressive of his/her dog. If the dog was not on a leash, well, then the actions of the dog, and the negligence of the dog owner are plain as day. Certainly, the parties will want to know if the Plaintiff provoked the attack, and this will be a factor in assessing liability, or any form of contribution.