Hey Brian! As a lawyer, you must hear some crazy stories. (TRUE).
You probably have lots of strangers calling you every day, wanting to discuss their legal problems (TRUE).
What are some of the most commonly asked questions of you (GOOD QUESTION).
As an injury lawyer, we hear of, and see lots of crazy things; lots of sad things; and lots of things that you just can’t make up. Some of these stories, I’m not at liberty to share with the general public.
Regardless of the severity of the injury, one thing that ties most clients together are their questions and concerns for their respective cases. From Toronto to London to Peterborough, client questions are generally the same. Just shows you that geography, race, culture, creed; it doesn’t really matter. People are people, and they share many commonalities regardless of your background, upbringing, or the mechanism and nature of the injury.
So, without further a due, here are some of the most commonly asked questions we here from inquiries to Goldfinger Injury Lawyers.
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