Ontario Motorists will want to read this case. Provincial Court Justice Shaun Nakatsuru ruled that it was alright for a motorist to briefly hold their cell phone while driving. The facts of the case are interesting for anyone to read (lawyer or not).
Disclaimer Alert! This article is not intended to be legal advice and I am NOT advocating that you now go around holding your active cell phone while driving. That’s not cool.
Here are the facts of the case:
On April 26, 2010, the accused KHOJASTEH KAZEMI was returning to work from the CAS in Oshawa. She dropped her cell phone in the car while driving home on the DVP. She did not pick up her cell phone while driving on the highway. She arrived at a red light at the corner of Gerrard St. and River St. in Toronto, and proceeded to pick up her cell phone from the floor of the car.
A Toronto Police Office, PC Miller was standing at the corner on traffic duty. He saw Ms. Kazemi reaching down of the floor of her car, and he believed that she was pressing bottons on a cell phone. PC Miller tapped on Ms. Kazemi’s window and saw that she was holding an open Nokia flip phone (do those even exist anymore?). PC Miller gave Ms. Kazemi a ticket under the new provisions of the Highway Traffic Act (ss 78.1) under the distracted driver provisions of the Act.
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