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Earlier this week I was at lunch with a good friend of mine. He was involved in a car accident a few weeks ago. I (Brian Goldfinger) was the ideal person to lunch with because we could talk about my primary area of practice, personal injury law.

While my friend was driving around his subdivision, another driver ran a stop sign and t-boned his vehicle travelling at high speeds.

My friend’s vehicle was virtual write off; although the insurer is doing everything in their power to salvage the vehicle. It’s cheaper for them to pay for the labour and parts than it is to purchase a new vehicle.

My friend’s air bags deployed. He was knocked unconscious for a period of time. How long is uncertain.

My friend told me how hard the other guy’s insurance company was fighting with him. This seemed odd because the car accident only happened a few weeks ago, and here in Ontario, we have a no fault accident benefit system which is supposed to take away that fighting between the innocent accident victim and the other driver’s insurance company at such an early stage. If there is to be any fighting or disagreement, this would take place at a much later stage.

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Every Sunday morning, personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger puts down the law books and takes his daughter bright and early to gymnastics.

One day at gymnastics, one of the other fathers entered the building. He had a crutch with a knee support to keep his knee elevated so that it didn’t touch the ground. He had an elbow rest for his arm so that he didn’t have to grip because his hand and thumb were injured. He had raccoon eyes and scratches all over his face and head. Poor guy. He was a mess.

Brian Goldfinger asked what happened? As it turned out, this kind young man had been bike riding on his morning commute to work.

He was taking his normal path through some back roads, bike paths, along with major streets in downtown Toronto.

While riding eastbound along a major Toronto street, he fell victim to a dooring incident.

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It’s never ok for Google to be your lawyer. Nor is it ok for Google to be your doctor, dentist, accountant, amateur arborist or veterinarian. You get the picture.

But Google and the internet are a wealth of information. That information can be very helpful at times. At other times, it can be very dangerous. So dangerous in fact just doing a simply Google search as a juror can be cause for a mistrial in an Ontario car accident case.

How could this possibly happen? How could something as innocent as a Google search impact a personal injury case?

Enter the recent Ontario Superior Court case of Patterson et. al. v. Peladeau 2018 ONSC 2625

After 8 weeks of evidence, closing arguments and a jury charge, the jury deliberated for five days before returning with a verdict.

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Brian Goldfinger and Goldfinger Injury Lawyers have assisted a large number of disabled teachers and disabled Canada Post workers with their Long Term Disability cases.

Representing teachers and postal workers can be tricky.

For starters, most, if not all full time teachers and postal workers are unionized.

That means their employment and benefits process will be governed by the terms of their respective collective bargaining agreements.

Each collective bargaining agreement, and each term of that agreement differs depending on the union, the employer, the employee’s position, the seniority of the employee, the length of time they have been working for the school board or Canada Post.

In some cases, the collective bargaining agreement prohibits the disabled unionized employee from hiring a personal injury lawyer to fight their long term disability case. That means that the disabled claimant must proceed with his/her union by way of grievance.

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Many people want to know what the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board is all about and how to apply.

Here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers, we handle a great number of Criminal Injury Compensation Board cases each year.

Many innocent victims of crime don’t even know the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board even exists. It’s not a well known government tribunal.

This installment of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog will focus on the Criminal Injuries Compensation Board; what it is; how to apply; and what to expect when going through a Hearing.

If you didn’t get all of the answers you need from this installment of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog, you can certainly contact a lawyer from Goldfinger Injury Law to get the answers you need toll free at 1-877-730-1777 or by email at Our lawyers handle Criminal Injuries Compensation Board cases across Ontario.

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The main office of Goldfinger Injury Lawyers is at 167 Sheppard Ave W, at Yonge and Sheppard in Toronto.

This is right outside of where Toronto Van Rampage suspect Alex Minassian was bravely apprehended on Poyntz Ave by Toronto Police Constable Ken Lam. More on PC Ken Lam later.

This is also right outside the site of where Mr. Minassian’s drive ended at Yonge and Sheppard, which began earlier at Yonge and Finch. The crime scene as identified by the Toronto Police extends around 2.2 kilometres. This is a long stretch or densely populated road and sidewalk.

The aftermath was that Minassian left 10 people dead in his tracks, and 14+ seriously injured. His actions shut down  Yonge Street and subway service in the area. Toronto Mayor John Tory asked that businesses close down for the day so the police could properly investigate the area.

Among the names deceased identified this fare are Anne Marie D’Amico (30); 80 year old grandmother Dorothy Sewell; Munir Najjar; and chef Chul Min “Eddie” Kang.

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The Toronto Injury Lawyer Mailbag fills up with questions from our readership for personal injury lawyer Brian Goldfinger. Brian has taken the time to pick some interesting, and most asked questions about personal injury law in Ontario; what it’s like to be a personal injury lawyer; and some silly ones as well.

Please enjoy this rapid fire question & answer session with Brian Goldfinger.

Q: How many kids do you have

Brian Goldfinger: Two

Q: What it like being a personal injury lawyer with two kids?

Brian Goldfinger: Hard, but rewarding, but hard. The practice of law requires your time and attention, so do your kids. Finding that balance is a tricky dance. By the time you figure it out, your kids likely won’t need as much attention as they once did.

Q: What’s been your most interesting case.

Brian Goldfinger: That’s easy. It’s the case of the Brazilian Wax gone bad. A newly wed woman in anticipation of her romantic Carribean honeymoon got her first ever Brazilian Wax job. Let’s just say that the wax job was a disaster and required a number of sutures. I then worked on the file and got her the compensation which she deserved, and then some. It was a memorable case because the facts were so unique and you just don’t see that sort of injury, at that area of the body everyday.

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Tragedy struck the nation on April 6, 2018 as 15 young men of the Humboldt Broncos Saskatchewan Junior Hockey Club were killed in a fatal bus/tractor trailer crash in rural Saskatchewan.

The lives of: Parker Tobin, Darcy Haugan, Stephen Wack, Logan Boulet, Brody Hinz, Evan Thomas, Mark Cross, Logan Schatz, Adam Herold, Tyler Bieber, Glen Doerksen, Jaxon Joseph, Jacob Leicht, Logan Hunter and Conner Lukan all cut too short.

14 others who were on the bus were injured. The extent of those injuries and their long term impact is unknown. We wish all those injured in this terrible accident, their loved ones, friends and families for a speedy physical, emotional and spiritual recovery.

In the words of Humboldt Broncos father Myles ShumlanskiI don’t know how to explain it even as a nightmare, because it’s past a nightmare.

The whole world (not just Canada) has rallied around this tragedy to show their support through financial donations via GoFundMe Campaign which as of the date of preparing this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post has raised over $8.2M; well wishes online#HumboldtStrong; shows of remembrance/support leaving out hockey sticks outside of the front door to honour those lost and injured. All Canadians are Humboldt. 

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Hey Brian Goldfinger: Where do you draw inspiration for your topics on the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog?

Great question!

I draw inspiration from my clients, colleagues, cases, associates and every day experiences as a personal injury lawyer. No day is ever the same. While I cannot comment on specific cases at my law firm; I can certainly draw parallels to those general experiences to share with the public which makes for engaging stories to read.

One such parallel is the topic for this week’s installment of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog Post. It has to do with Long Term Disability policies and Long Term Disability claims. But, it can also be related to Mortgage Insurance Policies, Accidental Death and Dismemberment Policies, and Critical Illness Insurance.

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Many people don’t understand what concussions are, and how serious they can be. There are common misconceptions about concussions which need to be discussed.

The purpose of this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog post from Brian Goldfinger is to better understand what concussions are, how they arise, how to deal with them, and how a concussion can impact ones life.

Please keep in mind that this Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog post is prepared by a personal injury lawyer in Brian Goldfinger. Brian Goldfinger is NOT a medical doctor. This entry is NOT intended to provide medical or legal advice for that matter. If you need medical advice, please consult with your doctor, attend at hospital or your local walk in clinic.

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