When it comes to litigating Long Term Disability Claims, many disabled claimants don’t know where to start.
How do I sue?
Who do I sue?
Can I sue my own insurer?
If I sue, will I get fired?
How much can I sue for?
Will my case go to trial?
If my case settles, how does the settlement work?
How much do I have to pay a lawyer?
All of these are valid questions. The reality about our law firm is that around half of our clients have NEVER consulted with a lawyer, prior to meeting with one of our personal injury lawyers.
To take that statistic to the next level, did you know that over 95% of our clients have have NEVER consulted with a civil litigation lawyer before (a civil litigation lawyer is a lawyer who sues in Court; personal injury law falls under the realm of civil litigation).
The reality is that a great majority of people are not only new to the legal system, they are also new to the concept of having to sue for denied benefits. It’s understanding this reality which makes us perform betters as lawyers and advocates on behalf of our clients.
With that heartfelt preamble, we prepare the latest installment of the Toronto Injury Lawyer Blog in an effort to help others not so familiar with the law, better understand how the legal system works (when it comes to long term disability matters)