I came across an interesting set of articles in today’s National Post and Globe & Mail. In Toronto’s Parkdale Community, City Council is proposing a cap on the amount of bars and restaurants in the area. Local residents are complaining of the noise, the late night crowds which the bars and restaurants attract, and don’t like that local businesses like drug stores and pharmacies are being pushed out by more trendy resto-lounges etc.
Residents are also complaing that they were once able to walk outside and buy a loaf of bread or a lightbulb at the local corner store. Now, with the influx of all of the bars and restaurants, they have to walk further, bike or….DRIVE! YIKES.
If any of you remembers what Parkdale was like some 10 or 20+ years ago, it wasn’t pretty. I’m just glad to see that the neighbourhood is gentrifying and people are actually flocking to the area with money to spend in local community (in the right legal way, not the underground illegal way). Here are links to those articles.
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