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Ontario has a lot of problems:

Healtcare Poverty Unemployment A stagnant economy Poor schools Slow Courts Decaying/Lack of Infrastructure
But of all these problems, Ontario government has not taken any meaninful steps to make a change. You would think that the problems listed above are very important socio-economic issues which ought to be addressed by government in one way, shape or form. You would think that all of these issues would rank higher when it comes to government policy over something as trivial as car insurance, or the implications of insurance after a car accident. But you’re wrong! Dead wrong!
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We here at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers are pleased to announce that we are in the midst of compiling the “Goldfinger Guide to Fair Compensation in a Personal Injury Case“. Why?

For starters, my lawyer colleagues who do not practice in the area of personal injury law have been asking me for years to compile such a guide so that they better understand the field of personal injury law. On top of that, accident victims, family members of those involved in personal injury cases have been asking my office for years for such a guide. Well, it’s in the process of being written, and as soon as it’s published we will let you know. If you’d like a free advance copy of the Guide, please contact my law office at 416-730-1777 or As you can see from the adjacent picture, the Guide will make for great family reading at a park on a sunny Sunday afternoon!
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Let me share a story with you. When a personal injury action settles, and there are minors involved (minors being persons under the age of 18), the Court will need to approve the settlement. baby.jpg

The reason the personal injury settlement needs to be approved by a personal injury law judge, is because the Court wants to ensure that minors aren’t taken advantage of. Imagine what would happen if….
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I’m often asked: Hey Brian Goldfinger Personal Injury Lawyer: How do your fees work in a car accident case? Good question.

For starters, we take on about 99% of our cases on a contingency fee basis. This means that you don’t have to pay for your car accident or brain injury case until your case settles. All of our consultations are free free free. What else do you know of in life that’s free? Love? OK. You got me there. But in all seriousness, very few lawyers provide services on a contingency fee basis because of the inherent risk involved with the case. A personal injury lawyer Toronto will invest a lot of time, money and energy into building your personal injury case and risk getting nothing if they don’t recover any money for you.
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Toronto taxi cab driver Adib Ibrahim has been charged with second degree murder arising from a car accident which took place on May 14, 2012 at King and Jarvis in Toronto.

That day, Ralph Bissonnette, age 28, was riding his long board skate board alongside the cab. Witnesses say that Ibrahim and Bisonnette got into some sort of argument, when Ibrahim swerved his taxi into Bissonette’s path, resulting in Bisonnette getting run over by the rear end wheels.

Bissonnette was taken by ambulance to St. Mike’s Hospital in Toronto where he was pronounced dead. The Highway Traffic Act defines skateboarders as pedestrians.
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It seems as if every criminal lawyer across the City of Toronto has been interviewed about the murder trial of Michael Rafferty. In case you’ve been living under a rock for the past few months, Michael Rafferty was recently found guilty of 1st degree murder, kidnapping and sexual assault on Victoria Stafford of Woodstock Ontario.

So, what does this Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer have to say about this criminal trial? First: thank goodness it’s over. I can’t fathom what the Stafford Family has been going through over the past 3 years. Imagine the pain, anxiety, hate, rage, suffering, and sadness the Stafford family has endured over this period of time. You can’t put it into words.

Secondly: the law really needs to change on the status of warrants in the country. Why you ask?
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The snow has melted. The sun is out. The weather is heating up. People sick and tired of bad winter weather want to get outside and be active. And they do. And one of the big changes we see in commuting patterns is that in the warmer weather, more and more people bike to work. It’s only logical that an increase in the number of cyclists on the road creates an increased number for the potential for bike accidents.

What I’ve noticed in Toronto, is that more politicians at City Hall encourage Torontonians to bike. Bike to work. Bike to pick up groceries. Bike for pleasure. Bike to the doctor’s office. Biking is sexy. It’s cool. It’s good for you. It’s hip. Wherever you go, Toronto’s politicians want you to bike. Unfortunately, the infrastructure does not exist in Toronto, or many other Ontario Cities (London, Peterborough, Hamilton, Oshawa) to ensure that your bike ride is a safe one. Unless you stay on your driveway with training wheels and a helmet on, you can’t assure this Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer that some motorist in their car won’t share the roadway with you and won’t “nudge” you off the street.
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Brain Injury Claims are the most serious type of personal injury claim. Brain Injury can render a car accident victim with impaired memory, concentration, ability to process information, dizziness, fatigue, speech impairments, blurred vision, depression, ringing in the ears, moodiness, sleep problems, taste problems, anxiety and other cognitive injuries which only the accident victim himself can truly understand and appreciate.

Brain injured accident victims may ot have the same clear tell tale signs of injury symptoms which people who have broken bones in accidents might have. Case in point. If you’ve broken your femur bone (leg) in a car accident, you will be placed in a cast. One you’re in a cast, it will send a clear signal to the rest of the world that you’ve been injured (perhaps in a car accident, boating accident, or slip and fall accident). But there is no such thing for a cast or crutch for a brain injured accident victim. Some brain injured accident victims are physically unimpaired, but mentally, they’re catastrophically injured.
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The hottest insurance product on the market over the past 5 years has been critical illness insurance or “CI”. What is critical illness insurance? Basically, it’s a policy of insurance which gives you a lump sum payment in the event you sustain a critical illness such as a heart attack, stroke, cancer, blindness, HIV/AIDS, or other critical illness as defined by your policy.

By taking out a policy of critical illness insurance, you’re betting against your own health. You’re saying: “I know I’m going to get really sick, a heart attack, or a bad disease and I want to be compensated for it“. Many see this as a smart bet given the increased reports of heart attack, cancer and other disease.

But what might seem like a simple concept; I get really sick so I get paid a lump sum from the insurance company; isn’t so simple. These critical illness insurance policies contain tens of dozens of exceptions which make it very difficult to make a successful claim.
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99% of personal injury cases in Toronto settle outside of the Courtroom. That means that of all of the personal injury actions started in Toronto, only 1% of them ever go to trial.

So, how do the other 99% of personal injury cases in Toronto get resolved? Some settle at the insurance adjuster level. Others settle between the plaintiff personal injury lawyer in Toronto and the lawyer for the insurance company. This can be done by way of without prejudice settlement proposal or by way of a simple phone call. Other cases might settle with the assistance of a Judge at a Pre-Trial. A Pre-Trial is a without prejudice settlement conference before a Judge, often in chambers so NOT in Courtroom. The Judge will attempt to narrow the issues before the trial, might try to resolve the case, and if the Judge is unable to do so, that Judge may provide his/her opinion about the personal injury case.

In Toronto, mediations are mandatory for all personal injury cases. That means that all car accident cases, slip and fall cases, long term disability cases,, chronic pain cases, spinal cord injury cases, and any other personal injury action started in Toronto will have to be mediated before it can go to trial.
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