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The amount of money at stake in catastrophic accident benefit claims can be very significant. Millions of dollars can be required for future attendant care benefits, future medical/rehabilitative benefits or otherwise.

An insurance company is under no obligation to lump out your accident benefit claim. If you die in 5 years, then why should an insurer be on the hook for payment of your future benefits today, when you’re not around to use them?

On the other hand, a closed file is a good file for an insurance company. Sometimes, it pays for them to simply pay off a significant portion of the claim to make you go away so they can close their file.

Because there are contingencies for millions of dollars in benefits flowing from the insurance company to the accident victim, the insurance company may insist in putting that money into what’s called a structured settlement.
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Examination for discovery can make or break an accident victim’s case, so this article is an important read if you have an upcoming examination for discovery in a personal injury case.

What is an examination for discovery? In the United States, they’re referred to as “depositions“. Here they’re referred to as “discoveries”.

Basically, you and your lawyer are asked questions from the opposing lawyer. The questioning takes place at a Court Reporter’s offices, which is essentially a board room. The Court Reporter records everything that’s said during the discovery and makes a record of it. Everything that’s said during the discovery, while on the record, is on the record and will be used against you at trial. If your testimony at trial doesn’t jive with your testimony at trial, the opposing lawyer will try to paint you out to the Court as an unreliable source of information whose testimony cannot be relied upon. What you say at discovery will be held against you. Your words matter, so be mindful of what you say.
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People ask me all the time: how do insurance companies put a price tag on my personal injury case? How can they arbitrarily put a price tag on my life; on my income loss; on my pain and suffering!!! I’m getting mad just thinking about this. Who do they think they are!?!?!?

Seems like such a subjective exercise; doesn’t it?

Remain calm my keener friends. There’s some method to the madness which makes up a personal injury law claim.

One thing you need to understand, is that personal injury damages aren’t lumped together into one big pot of stew like you may think. On the contrary, there are many different heads to personal injury law damages. Goldfinger Injury Lawyers knows all about these heads of damages. It’s what we do.
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Brain injury is serious.

I could end this blog posting there, but you’re probably craving more. I mean, sometimes reading about personal injury law can be so gosh darn enterntaining.

Goldfinger Injury Lawyers gets tons of calls a day from prospective clients. Of all the calls we get; it’s those calls which involve brain injury claims which can be the trickiest to handle.

When you break your leg, or arm in a car accident; you know it’s broken. The x-ray shows it; or the bone might be protruding out of place; or the area that’s been hit might be swollen.
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It’s that time of year when we get a lot of calls regarding slip and fall cases. The calls come from all over. Toronto, London, Peterborough, Oshawa, Richmond Hill. You name the place in Ontario; one of our Personal Injury Lawyers has probably fielded a call over the past month from that locale.

Why so many slip and fall personal injury inquiries to Goldfinger Injury Lawyers around this time of year? Well, for starters, we’re pretty darn good at what we do. Every day, we help Ontario accident victims get the compensation they deserve for their personal injury claims. Having law offices in Toronto, London and Peterborough doesn’t hurt either.
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It’s gets really cold and snowy in Toronto, London, Peterborough and other parts of Ontario. That’s why so many of us Ontarians flee the cold weather for warmer pastures in the winter.

My wife and I are just like you. We don’t like the cold very much so we recently went to Florida to leave for a Caribbean cruise. It was a blast. Editorial note: we were on the largest cruise ship in the word; what a treat! (go during an off season as it was 75-80% full).

We flew in to Miami, stayed with a friend, and he took us to Fort Lauderdale. We were so happy that we wouldn’t be rushed to catch our cruise ship straight from the airport. We thought we were being smart. We had plenty of time to pack up our stuff and catch our boat. But enroute to our ship, we were involved in a car accident. Can you believe that! It seems like my work as a Toronto Personal Injury Lawyer at Goldfinger Injury Lawyers just follows me wherever I go!
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The big story around the NHL and sporting news these days all focuses on the health of Sidney Crosby of the Pittsburgh Penguins. Sid The Kid is arguably the greatest hockey player on the planet. Crosby hasn’t played on a regular basis since he was injured in the Winter Classic on January 1, 2011. He was diagnosed with a concussion. He has since been diagnosed with a soft tissue injury in his neck. He’s been kept out of the line up for basically the entire season (except for a handful of games).

Sidney’s health has been covered by sports fans, the national media and personal injury lawyers across Canada. It’s a compelling story on so many levels. From a personal injury stand point, Sidney, sustained a concussion. A concussion is a head injury.
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Stop using exclamation marks! I can hear (read) you loud and clear. Yes, I know the Toronto Raptors have now won 2 games in a row. Yes I know they beat Phoenix and Utah on back to back nights. Yes I know that Andrea Bagnani deserves some All Star consideration if he can stay healthy. I can’t believe it either. But seriously, we have some more pressing matters to attend to.

Every day, I get calls from prospective clients inquiring about whether or not I can help them with their long term disability claim. I hear the same story. I’m hurt. I can’t perform my job. I’ve applied for Short Term and Long Term Disability Benefits. I’ve been denied. Now I’m not getting paid and money is running out. I’m scared. I’m worried. I’m in pain and I have no source of income. What can I do?

My advice aside from buying a guaranteed winning lotto ticket is to get a personal injury lawyer. If you’re in a non-unionized workplace, or if your long term disability benefits are not governed by your collective agreement, a personal injury lawyer like Brian Goldfinger personal injury lawyer to the stars in Toronto can help.
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Car insurance is expensive and complicated. It’s the last thing people think about when purchasing a new vehicle. It’s also the last thing which personal injury lawyers want to write about, and explain to people. I’m asked all the time, why it’s necessary to have car insurance if you don’t plan in getting to a car accident. Well, nobody plans to get in a car accident, unless you’re a fraudster who stages car accidents in Toronto; drive Monster Truck or your name is Evel Knievel.

For starters, having car insurance is the law in Ontario. If you drive a car, truck, van or motorcycle, the Insurance Act requires that you have a valid policy of car insurance. If you’re driving a car or motorized vehicle without a valid policy of car insurance, then you’re breaking the law and putting yourself at enormus risk. If you’re driving with a policy of car insurance which has expired, then you’re driving with no insurance.
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Got car insurance: Check Got a car: Check Driving the car in Ontario: Check Seat Belt on: Check Following the rules of the road: Check Crash Boom Bang Car Accident resulting in serious personal injuries requiring a personal injury lawyer: Got Goldfinger Injury Lawyers: Check
Alright. So what’s next? Let’s only focus on the accident benefit part of this claim and NOT the tort part. The tort part is a completely separate process and won’t get you immediate money. Accident benefits were designed by the government and insurance companies to get injured accident victims money in their time of need regardless of whose fault the accident was. This is why we pay for insurance right?
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