First and foremost, I was shocked to learn that there are so many closet Goldfinger Injury Lawyers Blog fans out there?!?!?! Apparently, there are lots of you. This is kinda like me telling you; the reader; that “I’m big in Japan“; but apparently I AM! I’m to weird law seeking people what David Hasselhoff is to Germans; an obscure Uber Shtar. Even my near and dear cousin Sharky in Malibu is a fan of the blog. He’s a Hollywood writer, so he knows good writing when he sees it. Next stop, Düsseldorf. Can you believe I managed to dot the “u” on Düsseldorf?
With my new found celebrity, has come large responsibility. An obligation to my adoring public. People want to know WHERE they should be most careful in order to avoid accident; so they don’t become Goldfinger Injury Lawyers’s newest client.
What do you want me to tell you? Seriously? You should drive your car in full body armour because there are so many bad drivers on the road? You should walk your weiner dog Buttons while wearing a helmet because you never know when one can slip and fall on an uneven sidewalk? You should pad the walls of your condo like an insane asylum to avoid traumatic injury? You should never leave your house except in the event your house spontaneously bursts to flames? The answer to all of these questions is of course, YES.